Trinity Leadership Fellows FAQs


  • What are the core courses Fellows are required to take?

    Core Courses

    Faithful Leadership: Understanding Yourself as a Leader – A practical and deeply reflective class to maximize your potential as a leader and get the most out of this program.
    Adaptive Leadership and Systems Thinking –Learn the core theories of Adaptive Leadership contextualized for faith leaders in the modern world.
    Social Entrepreneurship – A course that examines the practice of identifying, starting, and growing mission-driven ventures that serve the common good and the flourishing of all people. 
    Conflict Transformation – A course focused on leading through multi-party disputes and post-conflict reconciliation as faith leaders.
    Understanding your Community & Organizing for Mission – Learn the core principles and strategies for organizing from faith-inspired organizers who have brought about significant change in their communities.
    Change Management – Learn to faithfully lead through cultural, social, and institutional change.
    Church and Non-Profit Administration – A course focused on the essential principles of managing organizations.

    There are also elective courses that Fellows can take:

    Elective Courses

    Faith and Finance – A course focused on financial administration, budgeting, decision making, and the theology of economics

    Mission Real Estate Development – An introduction to building sustainable financial capacity for ministry through the creative development of mission-aligned, income-producing real estate projects that have a direct social impact on the surrounding neighborhood.

    DIFFERENCE  A course developed in partnership with the Archbishop of Canterbury to encourage faithfulness in a complex and divided world. 


  • Do I have to be ordained in the Episcopal Church? 
    No, the Trinity Leadership Fellows program is open to all leaders in every religious tradition and every vocation, both ordained and lay.

    We support up to ten curacies for fellows who are recently ordained in The Episcopal Church.

  • How do I apply for curacy support? 
    For newly ordained Episcopal priests serving in a curacy during their two years as Trinity Leadership Fellows, Trinity will cover 50% of their salary and key benefits, reimbursing the diocese or parish directly. Curacy placement and support are more likely with advanced planning. For Episcopal ordinands seeking curacy support, our preferred approach is to offer them a fellowship a year before they graduate, so that they can plan accordingly with their bishop for a possible curacy.

    We will accept applications for Episcopal seminarians graduating in both 2023 and 2024, to start the program in September of each respective year depending on the time of graduation and the start of their curacies. Seminarians not seeking curacy support may apply to start the program as early as the first September after graduation.

  • What is the time commitment? 

    There is a one-week gathering in New York City at the beginning of the program and one week-long gathering after the first year.

    In the first year, fellows are expected to invest 3-4 hours per week in an array of activities such as online courses, small group gatherings, special lectures, and spiritual practices.

    During the second year, fellows are expected to invest 2-4 hours per month in meeting with their mentors and peer groups, and taking elective courses they deem useful to their work. The second year is a time for fellows to implement a project they conceived during the first year or work on a personal development goal with their mentors.

  • What is the cost? 
    The program is fully funded by Trinity Church Wall Street. All travel, lodging, and educational materials are covered by the program. Assistance funds for family care are available.

    Fellows who are placed into curacies will have parts of their salaries and benefits funded by Trinity, in agreement with their bishops.

  • Who will be teaching in the program? 
    Instructors are academics and practitioners with deep experience in their fields, representing leading seminaries, senior faith leaders in Christian churches and denominations, and academics from top secular institutions, including the Harvard Kennedy School.
  • Who will be mentoring us? 
    Mentors are senior figures in the Church and from the non-profit, business, and public policy worlds, chosen for their experience as leaders, their commitment to leading from faith and values, and the wisdom they can offer emerging new leaders.
  • Does the program extend accommodations to applicants and Fellows with disabilities?

    Yes. It's important to Trinity that applicants with disabilities have equal opportunities to participate in the Fellowship, and that Fellows with disabilities fully participate in our process and our program. Trinity will extend reasonable accommodations so that qualified applicants and Fellows can participate in the selection process and the Fellowship unless doing so would impose an undue burden on the Fellowship. Applicants with disabilities who require assistance in completing the application should contact our team at to discuss the accommodation process.

Application Questions

  • When does the TLF program start?  
    The TLF will launch in person at Trinity Church Wall Street in New York City on September 11, 2023. Fellows are required to attend activities during the week of September 11-15, 2023. Trinity will cover all expenses for this trip and may assist with family care expenses.  
  • When will I be notified of the results of my application?  
    Successful applicants will be notified by early April 2023.    
  • How is my application reviewed?  
    The Leadership Development team and clergy at Trinity will review your application along with the TLF advisory board. A small group of applicants will be selected for virtual interviews. Applicants will be assessed based on the criteria listed on the website.  
  • What documentation must I provide?  
    You must upload your resume. If invited to an interview, you will also need to provide a copy of your transcript(s) from undergraduate and graduate studies.
  • Is the program open to non-U.S. Citizens or residents?  
    Yes, the program is open to citizens and residents in any country. Successful applicants must be able to secure a travel visa to the United States for the residential weeks in New York City. TLF cannot sponsor fellows for educational or employment visas.  
  • Can I send my application by mail?  
    No. All applications must be submitted online to be considered eligible. 
  • When is the deadline for the application?  
    January 31, 2023 at 5:00pm/17:00 hrs Eastern Time.  
  • How are interviews conducted? 
    Interviews will be conducted online over Zoom or another online communication platform.  
  • Do I have to be nominated?  
    The application system is open to all, but we ask that all ordained Episcopal clergy and those seeking ordination provide a letter or email from their bishop stating that they may participate References for all applicants are collected only for those who are invited to interviews.
  • Who should I list as my references?  
    Your references should be able to speak from direct experience and observation about your capacities in leadership roles.  Ideally, they can also speak about how your faith shapes your leadership.   
  • Do you require a transcript?  
    Transcripts will be collected for those invited to interviews. 

Eligibility Questions

  • What is the minimum educational requirement?  
    Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent. Fellows demonstrate proficiency in online and self-guided learning in addition to a facility with theoretical ideas.
  • What if I do not have a Bachelor’s Degree?  
    Trinity will accept the equivalent of a bachelor's degree, as determined by the relevant country's standards. At this time, the fellowship is not offered to applicants without a post-secondary education degree.
  • Do I have to be Christian to apply?  
    No, this program welcomes leaders of all religious traditions. But please note that our curriculum will be framed from the Christian perspective.
  • Do I have to be ordained?  
    No, the fellowship is open to everyone, both lay and ordained.
  • Do I have to work at a church or nonprofit to qualify?  
    No, TLF is open to people in all professions.
  • Can I apply if I’m a member of the congregation at Trinity Church Wall Street? 
  • Can I apply if I’m a grantee of Trinity Church Wall Street?  
  • Is English proficiency required?  
    Yes, all programs are offered in English at this time.
  • Is there an age requirement?  
    Applicants must be at least 18 years of age; there is no age limit to be a fellow. Please note that this program is intended for emerging leaders and aims to serve those with up to 15 years of professional experience.
  • What if I have a lot of experience but still wish to apply?
    Although we only need to add a few new mentors each year, experienced leaders with 15 or more years of experience may reach out to to be considered for a mentor role. By the summer of 2023, anyone interested in the program may also go to and request a link to take the courses individually or with a group.
  • Can I apply on behalf of a leader in my group/organization/denomination?  
    No, applications are reviewed based on the individual and not their institutional affiliation.  
  • I have a great desire to lead but haven’t put it into action yet. Am I eligible to apply? 
    The Fellowship program seeks to develop faith leaders who have already shown meaningful impact in their communities. If you are still in the process of developing your vision and haven’t yet put your skills into action, then this Fellowship may not be the right fit for you.  
  • Do you offer visa sponsorships?  
    No, the TLF is unable to offer sponsorship for work or student visas to the United States.  
  • Can I apply if I have childcare responsibilities?  
    Yes, Trinity will provide special accommodations for parents including childcare stipends. Unfortunately, Trinity cannot pay for your children to fly to New York City with you.  

Program Questions 

  • What are the program dates for the 2023 cohort? 
    The in-person launch of the TLF will be on September 11-15, 2023. The rest of the year will be online. The Fellows will meet again in person in September 2024.
  • What is included in the Fellowship?  
    • Participation in Trinity’s Society of Leadership Fellows, a group of global faith leaders poised to change the narrative of religious engagement with the world.

    • Exposure to opportunities provided by Trinity programming, such as speaking engagements and workshops.

    • Participation in three gatherings (including economy airfare to/from the event, lodging, and all meals during the events) during the time of your fellowship.

    • Lifetime access to, Trinity’s digital education platform.

    • Fellows who are placed in curacies in Episcopal dioceses will have 50% of their salaries and benefits subsidized by Trinity Church in coordination with their diocese.

    • All fellows will also receive a small stipend.

  • What are the residential requirements?  
    One week at the beginning of the fellowship. One week halfway through the fellowship and one week at the end of the 2nd year.  
  • How long does the fellowship last?  
    24 months as a formal TLF; lifetime membership into the Society of Leadership Fellows.  

Financial Questions: 

  • How much does the Trinity Leaders Fellowship cost?  
    The program is free.
  • Is there an application fee?  
  • Is there any form of financial compensation?  
    Fellows placed in approved curacies will have their salaries and benefits subsidized by Trinity Church Wall Street. All fellows will also receive a small stipend.