Visit & History

Before the first bell rang on Wall Street, before the Statue of Liberty stood watch over New York Harbor, before Alexander Hamilton wrote his way to revolution, Trinity Church was established at the heart of a burgeoning city — and nation. More than three centuries later, we’re still serving our parish. Visit us to explore our past and present.

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There’s more to Trinity Church than ... Trinity Church. Learn about all our locations.

The People

Read about the priests and parishioners who have shaped our story.

Historical Highlights

We were founded in 1697. A look at the role we’ve played at key moments in our country’s history.


How St. Paul’s Chapel endured as a beacon of hope 

All Visit & History Content

216 results
History and Archives

Alexander Hamilton and Trinity Church

Many people know Alexander Hamilton as the man on the ten-dollar bill, or the main character of the hit Broadway musical that bears his surname. Some even know that his final resting place is at Trinity Church. But did you know Hamilton's involvement with Trinity goes far beyond the churchyard?
Trinity Church's steeple, seen through leaves and branches of trees in the Churchyard.
History and ArchivesMarissa MaggsFebruary 28, 2025

10 Fast Facts About Trinity Church

After 328 years, Trinity has some stories to tell. Marissa Maggs, director of Trinity’s Archives, walks us through 10 of them. 
The Rev. Phillip A. Jackson
FeaturedThe Rev. Phillip A. JacksonFebruary 27, 2025

Our Black History

Today and every day, writes the Rev. Phil Jackson, Trinity honors the generations of faithful Black lives whose strength shows us the way.
Rev. Patrick Williams on All Saints' Day
History and ArchivesOctober 24, 2024

What Is All Saints’ Day?

The Rev. Patrick Williams explains the origins of this day set aside for remembering loved ones who have died.
All Saints' Day
WorshipOctober 24, 2024

What is All Saints’ Day?

All Saints’ Day is part of Allhallowtide, a three-day period set aside for remembering loved ones who have died.
MusicSeptember 24, 2024

Pipe Organs

In 2015, Glatter-Götz Orgelbau of Pfullendorf, Germany, with Manuel Rosales as tonal designer, were engaged to envision a new instrument for the nave of Trinity Church.

The new organ is conceived along the lines of its predecessors, a united instrument of 113 independent stops between chancel and gallery sections. The chancel has 28 stops across Great, Swell, Positiv, Solo, and Pedal. The gallery’s 85 stops are apportioned among Great, Swell, Choir, Rückpositiv, Solo, and Pedal. Watch the behind the scenes of building this great instrument.
Hands holding a phone with the AR app showing in the Trinity Churchyard
FeaturedLisa JaycoxSeptember 12, 2023

New Augmented Reality Tours 'Open the World' at Trinity Church

A new Augmented Reality (AR) experience is now available at Trinity Church, with three tours that allow visitors to take a closer look at features of the church, explore their faith, and learn about changemakers in the churchyard. 
Visitors at the Bell of Hope
FeaturedJames MelchiorreSeptember 8, 2023

Trinity's Bell of Hope: Remembering 9/11

Trinity Church rings the Bell of Hope at St. Paul's Chapel to remember the lives lost on 9/11, and to embrace hope for the future.

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