Exterior of the north side of Trinity Church, looking up at its steeple through green leaves as the sun streams through.

Visit & History

Before the first bell rang on Wall Street, before the Statue of Liberty stood watch over New York Harbor, before Alexander Hamilton wrote his way to revolution, Trinity Church was established at the heart of a burgeoning city — and nation. More than three centuries later, we’re still serving our parish. Visit us to explore our past and present. 

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How St. Paul’s Chapel endured as a beacon of hope 

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213 results
Queen Elizabeth II at Trinity in July 1976
FeaturedSeptember 8, 2022

A Message from the Rector on the Passing of Queen Elizabeth II

Today we join those in the Church of England and many around the world in mourning the passing of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We are grateful for her life of steadfast service to the Church and to her nation, and we remember her deep and abiding faith in God.
Primary Stained-Glass Window at west end of Trinity Church
History and ArchivesAugust 5, 2022

A Stained-Glass Tour of Trinity Church

Susan Ward, art professor, Vestry member, and parishioner of Trinity Church Wall Street, leads a tour of the stained glass in the nave of Trinity Church.
East Bronze Doors, Annunciation
FeaturedJames MelchiorreJuly 28, 2022

Trinity's East Bronze Doors

A story about the history of the east-facing bronze doors at the main entrance to Trinity Church Wall Street.
North Bronze Doors, Closeup
FeaturedJames MelchiorreJuly 15, 2022

Trinity's North Bronze Doors

A description and explanation of the north-facing Astor Memorial Doors at Trinity Church Wall Street
South bronze door, George Washington at St Paul's Chapel
FeaturedJames MelchiorreJuly 7, 2022

Trinity's South Bronze Doors

An explanation of the Astor Memorial Doors, south entrance, at Trinity Church Wall Street.
History and ArchivesDecember 13, 2021

Trinity and Handel's Messiah | Ask Trinity Archives

Trinity and Handel’s Messiah go back a long way together, 250 years to be exact, and the earliest performances came with colorful stories of people from the days when New York City was just a small village. Watch this episode of Ask Trinity Archives with archivists Joe Lapinski and Marissa Maggs.

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