Leadership Development

We empower lay and ordained leaders serving the church, and the world, by providing opportunities to learn practical skills, deepen knowledge, and build supportive relationships to sustain healthy and impactful work in their communities.
Addressing gaps in leadership education grounded in faith and values, we work in collaboration with existing institutions, including seminaries, schools of theology, and other diocesan or secular programs, to conceive and develop programs that expand training opportunities for seminarians, clergy, and leaders outside the church.
Through our programs, leaders cultivate the faith-driven mindsets and hands-on skills they need to inspire and guide congregations, teams, organizations, and communities as they achieve common goals.
Leadership Training for All
Sign up for free online classes through Faith Leadership Campus. Classes cover core leadership topics including community organizing, nonprofit and church administration, conflict transformation and more. Faith Leadership Campus provides the opportunity to understand yourself as a leader and gives you the tools you need to lead with integrity and impact.
Trinity Leadership Fellows
Trinity Leadership Fellows is a two-year program for professional, community, and clergy leaders. Deepen your faith and learn the skills needed to effectively lead organizations and serve communities in contemporary society while building lifelong supporting peer and mentoring relationships. Fellows build life-changing relationships with like-minded peers who share the passion for faith-driven leadership that produces positive change in our world. Learn more and apply.
Leadership Grants
Trinity works with partners around the world to establish programs focused on specific areas of leadership development through three key approaches:
Leadership innovation in theological education
Enhancing seminary offerings to provide practical leadership training
Innovative trainings for established leaders
Equipping faith leaders in all vocations with the competencies necessary to serve in the modern world
Leadership training for all
Sharing free resources through our Faith Leadership Campus digital platform
Prospective grant applicants should keep the following priorities under consideration:
Applicants might be seminaries or divinity schools but might also be dioceses, church organizations, or other institutions offering non-degree programs of theological education focused on leadership development.
Proposals should advance innovation, taking new approaches to leadership development that develop practical skills, shaped by faith, for action in the world. Examples of these skills might be (but aren’t limited to) strategy, conflict resolution, team building, congregational development, financial decision making, communications, community engagement, and others, all shaped and exercised through faith and values.
Proposals must link faith and theological education with mindsets or skills relevant to successful leadership of groups or institutions.
Proposals should produce resources that can be shared with a broad collaborative community interested in faith and leadership formation, preferably shared digitally.
Proposals should describe a project that has the potential for independent financial sustainability over time.
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