Mission Real Estate Development

We empower parishes throughout The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion to build sustainable financial capacity and enhance their community impact through the creative development of church property.
We work closely with parishes and dioceses to plan and develop projects that invest in underserved neighborhoods, empower women and children, build affordable housing, and provide quality education and social services.
The Gift of Place 2025 Virtual Conference
Developing Church Property for Financial Capacity & Social Impact
To receive updates on the Gift of Place conference, sign up here.
The Gift of Place conference is an opportunity for in-depth engagement with the Mission Real Estate Development team of Trinity Church and other participants to explore how your real estate could be developed to both enhance your mission work and provide sustainable financial resources to support ministry.
Through case studies and best practice takeaways, the virtual conference will explore how to use existing resources for mission-based projects and revenue growth.
This free conference is sponsored by Trinity Church and the Episcopal Parish Network.
Mission Real Estate Development Grants
Feasibility studies
Mission Real Estate Development grants are available to support feasibility studies and construction/business projects that will generate income for ministry. These professional assessments help the recipient diocese/institution identify an investment that will suit their market, experience, and financing.
To receive grant support from Trinity, proposed feasibility studies must:
Compare and contrast multiple investment opportunities
Produce a bankable document that can be used to secure developer or bank financing
Be conducted by independent, professional real estate consultants
Income-generation projects
These construction/business projects serve a primary purpose of generating income for the recipient diocese or institution. The most common real estate business models pursued by our partners include office, retail, multifamily, and student housing; hospitality and conference centers; and schools.
To receive grant support from Trinity, proposed construction/business projects must have:
Completed feasibility study
Completed business plan
Some existing financial contributions to the project, in the form of local fundraising, loans, or other grant awards
Preference will be given to projects that benefit multiple dioceses or institutions, are positioned to mentor others, and can articulate a clear and compelling ministry use for the profits that will be generated.
Real Estate Advisory
Trinity offers guidance in visioning and transaction structuring for potential real estate development projects, grant utilization priorities, and general organizational or governance considerations for grant administration and project execution.
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