It’s in letting go of the things that separate us from one another — our resentment, anger, and even our wealth — that we allow our souls to grow, preaches the Rt. Rev. Andrew Asbil, Bishop of Toronto.
“We need to recognize God’s presence with us even in the most desolate of experiences,” preaches the Rev. Phil Jackson. Nothing lessens our responsibility to love one another as God loves us. In ways we never expect, hard things and challenging periods in our lives can break us open to that love.
How might the Bible help us navigate these difficult times? The Rev. Phil Jackson encourages us to start with two simple but profound questions: Who does Jesus say he is? And how do we pattern our lives after him?
While human greatness puts distance between people, preaches the Rev. Jorge Ortiz, greatness in God’s eyes is something entirely different: It’s not about power but love.