Holy Week and Easter
Against all common sense, in the bleakest of circumstances, life is breathed into a place that seems lifeless. The story of Easter is at the heart of the Christian faith, and each year Trinity Church moves through it slowly and deliberately.
Worship Schedule
Walk with us through Holy Week as we remember the last days of Jesus’s life, from his joyous entry into Jerusalem, to a bittersweet meal with his disciples, to his betrayal, trial, and execution. What begins with Palm Sunday culminates in the Triduum, a three-part service that arcs from Maundy Thursday through Good Friday and, finally, into the joy of Easter.
Palm Sunday, March 24
Jesus enters Jerusalem triumphantly. Riding on a humble donkey, he is greeted by cheering crowds.
Holy Eucharist | 8am | 9am | 11:15am
Solemne eucaristía y bendición de los ramos (en español) | 2pm
Compline by Candlelight | 8pm
St. Paul’s Chapel
Holy Wednesday, March 27
With every step, Jesus draws closer to the cross. “Believe,” he tells his people urgently. “Believe in the light, so that you may become children of the light.”
Tenebrae | 6pm
Maundy Thursday, March 28
Jesus sits at the Passover table in a room filled with his closest friends. He gives them a new commandment: “Love one another.” Later that night, he is betrayed and arrested.
Maundy Thursday Holy Eucharist | 6pm
All-Night Vigil | 8pm–11:30am
Good Friday, March 29
Jesus is beaten, stands trial, and is sentenced to death. From the cross, alongside two criminals, he speaks, “It is finished,” and takes his last breath.
Liturgy of Good Friday | 12:05pm
Sermón de las siete palabras y veneración de la santa cruz (en español) | 5:30pm
St. Paul’s Chapel
Holy Saturday, March 30
Jesus’s body, anointed with spices and wrapped in a clean linen cloth, lies in a new tomb. A great stone covers the opening.
The Great Vigil | 8pm
Easter Sunday, March 31
The earth shakes. The stone rolls back. Jesus is here again, truly here. Death did not win.
Simple Holy Eucharist | 8am
Family-Friendly Festive Eucharist | 9am
Festive Eucharist | 11:15am
Solemne eucaristía de la resurrección del Señor (en español) | 2pm
In Jesus’s Footsteps
During our Holy Week services, we ground ourselves in the scriptural accounts of Jesus’s life because we believe this ancient story echoes through the ages: Jesus’s resurrection is a promise that death is not the final word.
Celebrate Easter at Trinity Church
Hear a personal invitation from the Rev. Phillip A. Jackson, Trinity’s Rector, and Summerlee Staten, executive director of Faith Formation and Education, to walk with Trinity Church through Holy Week.
Musical Meditation
Take a moment to listen to this Saint Mark Passion chant by composer Ryland Angel, frequent guest vocalist with The Choir of Trinity Wall Street. We remember Jesus’s Passion — his betrayal, trial, crucifixion, and burial — on Good Friday.
Tenebrae: In the Shadows
Tenebrae is a service that has no direct connection to the scriptural accounts of Jesus' final days in Jerusalem, yet this once-a-year liturgy summarizes the entire story of Holy Week.
The Path to Easter
Other Easter Events
Easter Retreat: Awakening to Deeper Life in Christ
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