Parish Life
Agape Meal
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2025-04-16 7:30 PM
2025-04-16 9:00 PM America/New_York Agape Meal
Trinity Commons
Gather in person after the Tenebrae service for a light supper and prayers in the dim evening light. We'll celebrate and give thanks for food, life, and communion in the love of Christ with a liturgy of lessons, prayers, and meditations. For more information, contact Dan Frank at DFrank@trinitywallstreet.org.
Gather in person after the Tenebrae service for a light supper and prayers in the dim evening light. We'll celebrate and give thanks for food, life, and communion in the love of Christ with a liturgy of lessons, prayers, and meditations. For more information, contact Dan Frank at DFrank@trinitywallstreet.org.
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