
Detail of angel in the stonework

Lent is a season for reflection and repentance. It’s a time of sacred stillness when we pay attention to the ways God is at work in the world and within us — not apart from our pain and sadness, but in and through the very things that make us human.

Remembering the time Jesus spent in the wilderness before beginning his ministry, some Christians adopt Lenten disciplines like giving up an item of food, starting a prayer practice, taking a break from technology, or simply setting aside time each day to be present to God and the people around them.

Lent, from an Old English word meaning “spring,” spans forty days: from Ash Wednesday through Holy Saturday, excluding Sundays.

Ash Wednesday Services

February 14

8am | Liturgy of Ash Wednesday
The Liturgy of Ash Wednesday, with the Litany of Penitence and Imposition of Ashes. Imposition of ashes will be offered continually until 11:45am.

12:05pm | Liturgy of Ash Wednesday Livestreamed
The Liturgy of Ash Wednesday, with Holy Communion, the Litany of Penitence, the Imposition of Ashes, hymns, and music by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street. Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Matthew Heyd, Bishop of New York. 

5:30pm | Liturgy of Ash Wednesday (en Español)
The Liturgy of Ash Wednesday, with the Litany of Penitence and Imposition of Ashes. This service, offered in Spanish, will include a worship bulletin in Spanish and English.

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