Holy Eucharist according to Rite Two in the Book of Common Prayer.
Today we celebrate Ascension Day, which commemorates the ascension of Christ into heaven after he rose from the dead. Ascension Day is also marks the anniversary of the consecration of the current Trinity Church building in 1846.
You are cordially invited to the Institution and Induction of the Reverend Phillip A. Jackson as XIX Rector of the Parish of Trinity Church in the city of New-York at 11am, Saturday, February 26, in Trinity Church.
The sermon will be given by the Rt. Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis, and former member of Trinity Church Wall. Street.
The service will be held in person and livestreamed at trinitywallstreet.org and Trinity's Facebook page.
Please note that in order to welcome as many guests as possible to this joyous event, we will ease capacity limits in Trinity Church and will not be socially distancing. All guests will be required to present proof of vaccination (guests must be 14 days past your last dose); to wear a KN95 or N95 mask throughout the event; and to undergo health and security screening before entering the church. We encourage guests to bring their own KN95 or N95 mask; Trinity also will have masks on hand. We also recommend that guests self-test within 24 hours of the event.
If you are in a high-risk group or feel uncomfortable attending in person, we invite you to share in this celebration online at trinitywallstreet.org or at Trinity’s Facebook page.
In the fourth and final segment of the series "Communion & Community, the Rev. Phillip Jackson of Trinity Church Wall Street speaks again with Parker Palmer.
As part of the series Communion & Community, the Rev. Phillip Jackson joins in conversation with Christian McBride and Melissa Walker of Jazz House Kids.