Priests and parishioners catch up after a Sunday service at Trinity Church.

Worship & Congregation

Worship opens us to the wondrous reality of our loving God, gathering and focusing us on what matters. It’s at the heart of everything we do at Trinity Church. Through church services, educational programs for all ages, and the shared life of our congregation, we are inspired to seek a life of deep meaning.

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Parish Life

You are welcome. You are wanted. You belong here.
light shines through stained glass


Baptism, weddings, funerals
Parishioners chatting with newcomer


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Three friends knitting


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A woman lights a tall, thin candle during a community prayer service

Prayer Requests

Let us pray with you
The Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles


Meet our priests
Two council members talk after a service in Trinity Church.

Lay Leadership

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Sacristan talks with two parishioners in Trinity Church after a service.

Sunday Staff

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Faith Education

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Youth hanging in the youth lounge


Bible study, pilgrimage, academics, and arts
Members of the congregation sit in chairs with WebEx screen and Vicar speaking at Discovery


Sunday classes, Bible intensives, book talks, pilgrimage

All Worship & Congregation Content

3719 results
Pico Iyer is an author, journalist, and travel writer.
Faith EducationSeptember 11, 2024

Author Pico Iyer on Finding Peace in Our Divided World

In an exclusive interview, the renowned writer Pico Iyer reflects on his quest to hold onto hope in even the most difficult times. Iyer opened the 2024-25 season of Trinity Talks on September 22.
WorshipAugust 11, 2024

Sunday Sermon, The Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles: “The Work of Repair”

We live with “intense emotions swirling around and inside us,” preaches the Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles, namely anger and grief. On their own, our emotions are not good or bad; It’s how we harness them that matters. When we process our feelings and channel them into action, we’re doing the work of repair. With God’s help we become part of healing the world.
The Rev. Beth Blunt
WorshipJuly 28, 2024

Sunday Sermon, The Rev. Elizabeth Blunt: “The Church Needs All of Us”

The ordination of women in The Episcopal Church, preaches the Rev. Elizabeth Blunt on the commemoration of the first women priests, says something important about who we strive to be: a new kind of community that becomes more like God’s kingdom when we seek unity in diversity.
The Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles
FeaturedJuly 25, 2024

The Rev. Kristin Miles Reflects on 50 Years of Women’s Ordination

Fifty years ago, on July 29, 1974, eleven women were ordained as Episcopal priests at Philadelphia’s Church of the Advocate. The “Philadelphia Eleven” paved the way for The Episcopal Church’s approval of women’s ordination two years later. The Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles, Trinity Church’s director of Parish Life, reflects on what this anniversary means to her.

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