Priests and parishioners catch up after a Sunday service at Trinity Church.

Worship & Congregation

Worship opens us to the wondrous reality of our loving God, gathering and focusing us on what matters. It’s at the heart of everything we do at Trinity Church. Through church services, educational programs for all ages, and the shared life of our congregation, we are inspired to seek a life of deep meaning.

See the worship schedule

Parish Life

You are welcome. You are wanted. You belong here.
light shines through stained glass


Baptism, weddings, funerals
Parishioners chatting with newcomer


Make a deeper commitment
Three friends knitting


Find your community
A woman lights a tall, thin candle during a community prayer service

Prayer Requests

Let us pray with you
The Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles


Meet our priests
Two council members talk after a service in Trinity Church.

Lay Leadership

Get to know our Vestry and Congregational Council
Sacristan talks with two parishioners in Trinity Church after a service.

Sunday Staff

Meet the people who can answer your questions at church

Faith Education

Take part in programs that help us live our beliefs every day of the week — bringing our Sunday selves into interactions with our families, at work or school, and in our civic endeavors.
Youth hanging in the youth lounge


Bible study, pilgrimage, academics, and arts
Members of the congregation sit in chairs with WebEx screen and Vicar speaking at Discovery


Sunday classes, Bible intensives, book talks, pilgrimage

All Worship & Congregation Content

3713 results
An angel carved of stone


Lent is a season for reflection and repentance. It’s a time of sacred stillness when we pay attention to the ways God is at work in the world and within us — not apart from our pain and sadness, but in and through the very things that make us human.
Youth Confirmation
Parish LifeJanuary 11, 2025Trinity Commons

Bible and Bagels

Trinity Youth are invited to ask questions and join discussion exploring the Bible, Christianity, and The Episcopal Church.
Rose Castle
Faith EducationSeptember 6, 2024Trinity Commons

Peacebuilding & Presence for Young Adults

At this two-day retreat, facilitators from the Rose Castle Foundation will show us how we become peacebuilders by being present with one another and with God.
Tall purple flowers in vibrantly green Trinity Churchyard
Faith EducationJanuary 15, 2025Online

Contemplative Practice with Poetry

Join a weekly practice of guided meditation and contemplative reflection on poetry, for mutual spiritual growth and support. Led by spiritual directors John Deuel and Dr. Kathy Bozzuti-Jones.
Colorful text reading Back to School Blessing
Parish LifeSeptember 8, 2024Trinity Church

Back to School Blessing

Join us to receive a blessing and a small gift before the school year starts. Students of all ages, families, teachers, and anyone else returning to school are invited to share the joy and excitement.
Information board in youth library
Parish LifeSeptember 8, 2024Trinity Commons

Trinity Youth 101

Info session for students in grades 6–12 and parents interested in all the goings-on with Trinity Youth this year.
Information board in youth library
Parish LifeSeptember 8, 2024Trinity Commons

Trinity Youth 101

Info session for students in grades 6–12 and parents interested in all the goings-on with Trinity Youth this year.
Pink flowers and green leaves in Trinity Churchyard
Parish Life

Support Groups

Find support in shared company with Pastoral Care groups.

Keep up with Weekly Parish Activities

Get the latest information about worship and faith education at Trinity Church.