“Trinity Commons is the center for our parish life. Since the building is still new and was closed for two years, visitors may be unfamiliar with the building and even feel intimidated when entering it,” said Maggy Laraque, who is leading the program. “The Trinity Ambassador Program was created to help address those concerns.”
Faith EducationFaith Formation and EducationMay 19, 2022
What Jesus offers is peace grounded in God’s love. It is a peace accessible and present every moment of every day if we choose to ground ourselves in God. We do not seek this peace to make ourselves feel better but rather as a response to our relationship with the Holy One. This relationship propels us to offer our peace-centered love to others.
Working with Trinity, the Victoria Inter-Diocesan Investment Company (VIDIC) paid off the $400,000 balance of a commercial loan while also extending the term of the remaining CCK loan from five years to ten years. Doing so provides more flexibility in accommodating the needs of tenants in response to the economic challenges of the pandemic.
In our Gospel reading, Jesus makes the heart of true discipleship clear: to follow Jesus is to exhibit “love for one another.” It is as simple and as complicated as that.
This week in the book of Acts — the book that tells us things the Apostles did after Jesus died — we learn about a woman named Tabitha who had spent her whole life helping others.