Trinity Church invited the parishioners to express their faith in the decoration, the design, and the implementation of the symbols on the Paschal candles.
With almost no transition, we make a precipitous drop on Palm Sunday: from the jubilant procession into Jerusalem, to the senseless brutality of the Passion
As we witness the Passion narrative, scene by scene, we place ourselves into the struggle between the Word of God (justice and nonviolence) and the ways of the world (power and dominance). We are called to choose, once again, the politics of the Kingdom of God, in which love, service, and forgiveness reign.
During Lent, we will depart from our usual Sunday stories from the lectionary and, instead, offer a different Lenten spiritual practice for your family to try and adopt over the next forty days and nights.
The Discovery class for April 3, 2022 concludes its study of the Bible's Book of Job with a visit from members of Trinity Movement Choir which, later in the day, will perform online the "danced oratorio" called The Book of Job.
Founded in 1989, Sakhi for South Asian Women is a gender justice organization that exists to end violence against women. Sakhi is led by and for South Asian immigrants and first-generation South Asian women, most of whom are survivors of gender-based violence and widely recognized as leaders in the field.