3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: Create Peace

July 2, 2022
A child raises their hand during Children's Time at Trinity Commons

The Fourth Sunday After Pentecost

“You’re not the boss of me!” Children and adults both have difficulty at times balancing their need to be independent while accepting times of vulnerability. And almost no one likes to be dependent or under another’s control. At the same time, we need, and respond, to good leadership and models in our lives, whether we want to be leaders or not.

Naaman was an army commander, and he was used to being in charge and being in control. He was also used to being treated like he was more important than other people. But he found out that he wasn’t too important to get sick, or to accept help from others, and that he couldn’t command others to magically make him well.

Print, fold, read, and color the story booklet of Naaman’s story.

A line drawing of the story of Naaman

We celebrate the Independence Day of our country this weekend, our freedom to determine our shared systems and future — together. It’s a wonderful idea and hope. Can we be together and independent at the same time? In God’s peaceable kin-dom, “together” means everyone.

On Monday, you’ll hear a lot of patriotic songs and marches. Let’s also sing, dance, play, and pray to create peace.

1, 2, 3

With friends and/or family, learn each part of Dona Nobis Pacem (Grant Us Peace) independently, and then sing or play them all TOGETHER, creating one beautiful musical prayer!

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