Trinity Church Wall Street, in its latest set of grants, has awarded $23.4 million to organizations in New York City, the U.S., and internationally. Most of the grants, which average more than $200,000, are going to organizations in New York City that are focused on affordable housing, homelessness, racial justice, and criminal justice reform.
"Today, on this beautiful day, we celebrate the pathways to love and the pathways to life," reflected the Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles at the 9:15 Family Service on Pride Sunday.
Each of us also has our own unique cycles and patterns, but none of us stays the same forever. We have patterns and cycles in our habits, and in our feelings, and in our reactions to things that happen. Sometimes we can control these, but no matter what, they will go through changes. And, no matter what, God is with us always.
We lament hard when faced with adversity. We often look to blame at first, or worse, exact revenge. Relief more than gratitude often accompanies us when we arrive at the other shore. But our Psalms remind us that God’s gift of love and peace is always available — and it remains the way to freedom.
When all it takes is a single encounter with Jesus to be liberated from our darkest demons, why would any of us today turn away from one who is suffering?