Knowing what is enough can be the greatest gift that parents, and faith, can teach children and seekers. Our riches, or “treasure,” aren’t only about things that are tangible. And knowing what is enough is not about self-denial or capacity limits, because Jesus taught and showed us that God’s kin-dom on earth as it is in heaven is one of abundance, not of scarcity — and there is enough for all.
St. Paul's Chapel • In-person and online
Free; reservations not required
As part of Trinity Church Wall Street's growing commitment to jazz, a uniquely American art form and an important, uniting voice for our collective story and experience, we are hosting a weekly lunchtime music series coordinated by Jazz House Kids.
Jazz House Kids offer students a wide range of creative programming with internationally renowned jazz performers teaching alongside staff. Through music, mentoring, education, and apprenticeship, Jazz House Kids cultivates tomorrow's global citizens so they may build vibrant communities.
*Schedule of concerts:
June 14: Saxophonist Abel Mireles and the LatiNext Project
All are invited to a special Holy Eucharist to celebrate St. Margaret’s Day with Sister Ann, Sister Gloria, Sister Promise, and the larger community of the Society of St. Margaret.
Jesus’s disciples already knew how to pray. But after spending time with Jesus, they were thinking about God and God’s kin-dom differently than before. So Jesus taught them the words that we now call The Lord’s Prayer.
FeaturedErnest Cajuste, Senior Program Officer, Trauma & Resilience at Episcopal Relief and DevelopmentJuly 21, 2022
With the generous support of Trinity Church Wall Street, Episcopal Relief & Development and its implementing partners provided food, medical care, and emotional support to households in hard-to-reach communities in the Sud, Nippes, and Grand'Anse departments of Haiti and are investing in strengthening community disaster response and resilience to weather future shocks.