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539 results
FeaturedJune 9, 2017

Centering on Compassion

Trinity Church Wall Street has identified its six Core Values: Faith, Integrity, Inclusiveness, Compassion, Social Justice, and Stewardship. As part...

FeaturedMay 12, 2017

Pastoral Care at Trinity Church

From baptisms through weddings, funerals, and all the moments of life in between, the clergy, staff, and lay members of Trinity’s pastoral care team...

FeaturedMay 10, 2017

Inclusiveness: The View from Africa

Trinity Church Wall Street has identified six core values that represent the deep structure of the parish, akin to Trinity’s DNA, including Faith...

FeaturedMay 10, 2017

Core Values: A Deeper Dive

Trinity Church Wall Street recently dedicated almost a year-and-a-half to identifying its core values: Faith, Integrity, Inclusiveness, Compassion...

FeaturedApril 28, 2017

Core Values: A Spiritual Journey

The congregation, vestry, and staff have devoted almost two years of discernment to determine the core values of Trinity Church Wall Street, qualities...

FeaturedApril 21, 2017

Trinity’s Core Values: Integrity

Trinity Church Wall Street defines itself by six core values: faith, integrity, inclusiveness, compassion, social justice, and stewardship. Many...

Faith EducationApril 11, 2017

Trinity Preschool: 35 Years and Counting

Trinity’s Preschool has been at work for thirty-five years this month nurturing wholeness in mind, body, and spirit in young children. This video...