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539 results
FeaturedOctober 7, 2016

St. Paul Returns

St. Paul is back at St. Paul’s Chapel in Lower Manhattan, in two artistic representations of the self-described Apostle to the Gentiles.  A new statue...

FeaturedSeptember 30, 2016

Anchored in the Love of Christ

The southern third of the African continent includes three enormous countries, two small landlocked kingdoms, rugged shorelines, and several of the...

Faith EducationSeptember 28, 2016

Why should people of faith vote?

The U.S. Presidential election is coming up on Tuesday November 8 and it’s estimated that only about 66 percent of eligible voters are registered.  No...

Faith EducationSeptember 28, 2016

What do you remember about your first vote?

The U.S. Presidential election is coming up on Tuesday November 8 and it’s estimated that only about 66 percent of eligible voters are registered.  No...

FeaturedSeptember 28, 2016

Why do you vote?

The U.S. Presidential election is coming up on Tuesday November 8 and it’s estimated that only about 66 percent of eligible voters are registered.  No...

FeaturedSeptember 22, 2016

Subway Series Begins

If you live or work in New York City, you’ve seen and heard them all the time--musicians sharing their talent in subway cars, on platforms, and in...

Faith EducationSeptember 22, 2016

Scripture Choices for Same-Sex Weddings

For the past seven weeks, Trinity Church Wall Street’s Theologian in Residence, Professor Deirdre Good, has offered a web series on same-sex...

FeaturedSeptember 15, 2016

Same-Sex Relationships and the Apostle Paul

The mass shooting of 49 people in June at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, challenged many church congregations to be more explicit in their welcome...

Faith EducationSeptember 15, 2016

A Disappearing Island

Isle de Jean Charles, Louisiana can lay claim to a very distinct character: its small community is primarily indigenous people who have historically...

FeaturedSeptember 8, 2016

Same-Sex Relationships and the Bible

The mass shooting of 49 people in June at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, challenged many church congregations to be more explicit in their welcome...