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Faith EducationDecember 2, 2016

Our Sacred Oceans: A Hindu Perspective

Trinity Church Wall Street and GreenFaith co-sponsored “Our Sacred Oceans” in September as the first in a series of dialogues leading up to “Water...

FeaturedNovember 29, 2016

Montgomery Monument: The 2011 Restoration

When the Montgomery Monument in front of St. Paul’s Chapel underwent restoration more than five years ago, Trinity Church Wall Street produced a video...

Faith EducationNovember 18, 2016

Water and Justice

The Rev. Fletcher Harper is executive director of GreenFaith, a multi-faith environmental agency.  In advance of the annual theological conference of...

Faith EducationNovember 4, 2016

Water is Life

The Rev. Winnie Varghese was one of more than 500 clergy from 20 faith traditions who stood with the Standing Rock Nation in its protest against the...

FeaturedOctober 30, 2016

St. Paul's 250: Prayer Service

The prayer service will include invitees from Lower Manhattan’s 1766 faith communities as well as local dignitaries. In addition, an original print of the first sermon preached on October 30, 1766, will be on display and special music from NOVUS NY.
Special Music:
Ubi Caritas, Maurice Duruflé
I am the Rose of Sharon, William Billings
Pilgrim’s Hymn, Stephen Paulus
Ev’ry time I feel the Spirit, arr. William L. Dawson
Ashokan Farewell, Jay Ungar
FeaturedOctober 30, 2016

St. Paul's 250: Historical Lecture

All are invited to this lecture by acclaimed historian Dr. Kenneth Jackson, former Vestryman and the Jacques Barzun Professor of History and the Social Sciences at Columbia University. “A City and a Church: The Remarkable History of St. Paul’s Chapel and the Streets Beyond the Doors”

FeaturedOctober 26, 2016

The Future 76 Trinity Place Unveiled

Trinity Church Wall Street organized a series of six community meetings called charettes, over a period of twenty months, to plan the design of a new...

Faith EducationOctober 26, 2016

Our Sacred Oceans

The first in a series of TI Dialogues on "Water Justice" called Our Sacred Oceans featured, among others, Dr. Vaughan Turekian, Science and Technology...

FeaturedOctober 22, 2016

Community Conversation: Charette #6

You are invited to the unveiling of the design for the new parish building at 74 Trinity Place, the culmination of the charettes, or community conversations.

Faith EducationOctober 17, 2016

Southern Africa: Hoping for Rain

Drought is one of the water-related crises being explored at Trinity Institute 2017, the theological conference whose theme is “Water Justice.” For...