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539 results
FeaturedNovember 3, 2017

To Be a Sister

What’s life like for an Episcopal nun? Meet Sister Gloria, Sister Ann, and Sister Promise, three Sisters of St. Margaret who live and work in the parish of Trinity Church Wall Street.
FeaturedNovember 1, 2017

In Memoriam

The persons killed yesterday in the truck attack in New York City were remembered in a ceremony at noon on Wednesday, November 1, at St. Paul’s Chapel...

FeaturedOctober 27, 2017

Integrity in the Torah

Trinity Church Wall Street has identified its Core Values: Faith, Integrity, Inclusiveness, Compassion, Social Justice, and Stewardship, and Trinity...

FeaturedOctober 13, 2017

Modeling Service Generation to Generation

Trinity Church Wall Street’s Mission & Service program works with partners across the country and around the world, including the Episcopal Church in...

FeaturedOctober 6, 2017

The Poet and the Psalms

People reading the poetry of W.H. Auden don’t usually think of the Psalms, and folks reading, praying, or singing the Psalms are not likely to be...

FeaturedOctober 6, 2017

Compassion: Setting the Bar High

Trinity Church Wall Street has identified its Core Values: Faith, Integrity, Inclusiveness, Compassion, Social Justice, and Stewardship and the newest...

FeaturedOctober 3, 2017

The Bell of Hope: In Solidarity

The Rev. Phillip Jackson, Vicar of Trinity Church Wall Street, rang the Bell of Hope at St. Paul’s Chapel a total of 60 times on Tuesday October 3, in...