What’s life like for an Episcopal nun? Meet Sister Gloria, Sister Ann, and Sister Promise, three Sisters of St. Margaret who live and work in the parish of Trinity Church Wall Street.
Lisa Keller will talk about the noisy New Yorkers who transformed New York from a village to a world city in the 19th century. They did so by making the streets of New York their living room for daily life, and for popular protest.
Historical Lecture: “St. Paul’s Landmark Building: Change and Continuity”
Presented by Thomas Mellins, Architectural Historian, Author, and Exhibition Curator
At this lecture, Jon Butler, Howard R. Lamar Professor Emeritus of American Studies, History, and Religious Studies, at Yale University, will present “Gotham, Religion, and the Fright of Modernity: 1880-1960.”
The prayer service will include invitees from Lower Manhattan’s 1766 faith communities as well as local dignitaries. In addition, an original print of the first sermon preached on October 30, 1766, will be on display and special music from NOVUS NY.
Special Music:
Ubi Caritas, Maurice Duruflé
I am the Rose of Sharon, William Billings
Pilgrim’s Hymn, Stephen Paulus
Ev’ry time I feel the Spirit, arr. William L. Dawson
Ashokan Farewell, Jay Ungar
All are invited to this lecture by acclaimed historian Dr. Kenneth Jackson, former Vestryman and the Jacques Barzun Professor of History and the Social Sciences at Columbia University. “A City and a Church: The Remarkable History of St. Paul’s Chapel and the Streets Beyond the Doors”
Many people know that Alexander Hamilton is buried at Trinity Church—but few realize that, in his life, he was an active and vital part of the Trinity...