Videos History and Archives Miscellaneous Clear All Filters 133 results Featured June 18, 2013 ACS SCI ___ Featured April 2, 2013 Panama's Evolving Episcopal Church A group of staff and parishioners from Trinity Wall Street are in Panama this week for a service trip organized in conjunction with the Diocese of... Featured April 1, 2013 All Our Children A growing number of Episcopal Church congregations across the country are responding to the needs of public schools. These congregations say their... Featured April 1, 2013 Father Nadim Nassar & The Awareness Project Father Nadim Nassar, the only Syrian priest in the Anglican Communion, helps Christians deepen their faith. Featured April 1, 2013 The Abundant Table Senior producer Jim Melchiorre visits The Abundant Table Farmhouse Project, a young adult internship program of the Episcopal Service Corps. Featured April 1, 2013 Emerging From Katrina All Souls Episcopal Church, located in New Orlean's Lower Ninth Ward, grew out of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Featured April 1, 2013 Toronto: Commitment to Service Senior Producer Jim Melchiorre visits St. James Cathedral in Toronto, a two-century old congregation whose members keep it alive and vibrant with... Featured April 1, 2013 The Diocese of Lexington: Working Together The Episcopal Diocese of Lexington covers the area often called Appalachia where income levels are among the lowest in the United States. In this... Featured April 1, 2013 Capital Project: Serving Others Five young adults are spending a year in Washington, DC but they’re not rubbing shoulders with the President or members of Congress or high-powered... Featured April 1, 2013 The Anglican Church in Ghana: Service to Community The Anglican Church in Ghana supports diverse ministries, including a home for babies and an eye clinic. Pagination First pagefirstPrevious pageprevious Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Current page 13 Page 14Next pagenextLast pagelast
Featured April 2, 2013 Panama's Evolving Episcopal Church A group of staff and parishioners from Trinity Wall Street are in Panama this week for a service trip organized in conjunction with the Diocese of...
Featured April 1, 2013 All Our Children A growing number of Episcopal Church congregations across the country are responding to the needs of public schools. These congregations say their...
Featured April 1, 2013 Father Nadim Nassar & The Awareness Project Father Nadim Nassar, the only Syrian priest in the Anglican Communion, helps Christians deepen their faith.
Featured April 1, 2013 The Abundant Table Senior producer Jim Melchiorre visits The Abundant Table Farmhouse Project, a young adult internship program of the Episcopal Service Corps.
Featured April 1, 2013 Emerging From Katrina All Souls Episcopal Church, located in New Orlean's Lower Ninth Ward, grew out of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Featured April 1, 2013 Toronto: Commitment to Service Senior Producer Jim Melchiorre visits St. James Cathedral in Toronto, a two-century old congregation whose members keep it alive and vibrant with...
Featured April 1, 2013 The Diocese of Lexington: Working Together The Episcopal Diocese of Lexington covers the area often called Appalachia where income levels are among the lowest in the United States. In this...
Featured April 1, 2013 Capital Project: Serving Others Five young adults are spending a year in Washington, DC but they’re not rubbing shoulders with the President or members of Congress or high-powered...
Featured April 1, 2013 The Anglican Church in Ghana: Service to Community The Anglican Church in Ghana supports diverse ministries, including a home for babies and an eye clinic.