In 2015, Glatter-Götz Orgelbau of Pfullendorf, Germany, with Manuel Rosales as tonal designer, were engaged to envision a new instrument for the nave of Trinity Church.
The new organ is conceived along the lines of its predecessors, a united instrument of 113 independent stops between chancel and gallery sections. The chancel has 28 stops across Great, Swell, Positiv, Solo, and Pedal. The gallery’s 85 stops are apportioned among Great, Swell, Choir, Rückpositiv, Solo, and Pedal. Watch the behind the scenes of building this great instrument.
In part two of her series on stained glass at Trinity Church Wall Street, Dr. Susan Ward explores the evolving theology demonstrated by the stained glass in the Chapel of All Saints.
Susan Ward, art professor, Vestry member, and parishioner of Trinity Church Wall Street, leads a tour of the stained glass in the nave of Trinity Church.
From basketball and mindfulness to test prep and advocacy, Trinity Youth Afterschool offers sports, arts, academics, and other activities for youth. Learn about the highlights from our staff.