When Kevin Tuerff and his partner began their flight from France to New York City on September 11, 2001, they had no idea that the world was about to change forever.
The Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles, who leads Pastoral Care at Trinity Church Wall Street, and Jessica Heller, of Psychotherapy and Spirituality Institute, talk about the many ways grief burdens our lives, especially in this current moment.
Trinity parishioner J. Chester Johnson discusses his book, Damaged Heritage: The Elaine Race Massacre and a Story of Reconciliation, and the legacy of racism and hope for reconciliation with fellow Arkansas native Catherine Meeks.
Sheila Walker, a black woman, and Chester Johnson, a white man, are both Arkansas natives, born in the same decade, with family ties to a race massacre that killed more than a hundred African Americans a century ago.
As we move into a most unusual Holy Week, with empty churches and online-only worship, the Rev. Phillip Jackson, Priest-in-charge and Vicar of Trinity Church Wall Street, shares his insights.
Gabriel Bonadie, a beloved parish member, died January 4 at age 94. This video interview from seven years ago, in which Gabriel discusses the impact of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., provides insight into the man the parish now mourns.
We are living in a polarized time. We are divided by race. We question the Truth. In his new book, Christ in Crisis, Sojourners Editor-in-Chief Jim Wallis has a message for Americans. A thought-provoking book talk, hosted by Trinity Vicar Phillip Jackson.