Trinity Churchyard in Spring

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Pico Iyer is an author, journalist, and travel writer.
Faith Education September 11, 2024

Author Pico Iyer on Finding Peace in Our Divided World

In an exclusive interview, the renowned writer Pico Iyer reflects on his quest to hold onto hope in even the most difficult times. Iyer will open the 2024-25 season of Trinity Talks on September 22.
Melissa Music Press Release
Press Releases September 3, 2024

Trinity Church Announces 2024–2025 Music Season

Trinity Church announces its 2024-2025 season, featuring programming encompassing social, political, personal, and spiritual themes, and music from the medieval era to the modern day.
family service
Featured September 3, 2024

A Letter from Father Phil

How our downtown community is making a difference for children and families in District 1 schools.
The Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles
Parish Life July 25, 2024

The Rev. Kristin Miles Reflects on 50 Years of Women’s Ordination

Fifty years ago, on July 29, 1974, eleven women were ordained as Episcopal priests at Philadelphia’s Church of the Advocate. The “Philadelphia Eleven” paved the way for The Episcopal Church’s approval of women’s ordination two years later. The Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles, Trinity Church’s director of Parish Life, reflects on what this anniversary means to her.

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Easter lilies in Trinity Church in front of carved wooden angels
Faith EducationFaith Formation and EducationApril 21, 2022

Five Ways Into Sunday’s Scripture: Showing Up With Our Wounds

Like many of us who have faced trauma, fear, or disillusionment, [the disciples] turned inward, away from the world. But Jesus shows up with his wounds, giving the disciples the power to forgive — to heal.
A group of young Black men and a White woman are gathered in a circle in cheerful discussion. Another group of men can be seen in the background.
FeaturedApril 19, 2022

Grantee Spotlight: Credible Messenger Justice Center

Founded with funding from Trinity Church Wall Street, the Credible Messenger Justice Center (CMJC) is a community-government partnership between the New York City Department of Probation, Community Connections for Youth, and the City University of New York. The Department of Probation actively draws on credible messengers to staff initiatives that improve outcomes for justice-involved young people.
A child carries a large palm branch in a black and white photograph
Faith EducationFaith Formation and EducationApril 9, 2022

Five Ways Into Sunday’s Scripture: The Politics of God’s Kingdom

As we witness the Passion narrative, scene by scene, we place ourselves into the struggle between the Word of God (justice and nonviolence) and the ways of the world (power and dominance). We are called to choose, once again, the politics of the Kingdom of God, in which love, service, and forgiveness reign.
An adult hand pointing to drawings of people from the Bible during Children’s Time
Faith EducationFaith Formation & EducationApril 9, 2022

3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: Enter Into Holy Week

During Lent, we will depart from our usual Sunday stories from the lectionary and, instead, offer a different Lenten spiritual practice for your family to try and adopt over the next forty days and nights.