3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: How To Be Alive

May 7, 2022
A child finds an Easter egg in Trinity Churchyard on Easter Day

The Fourth Sunday of Easter

Our Gospel story last week was about friendship and second chances, like Jesus showed Peter and the other disciples when he reappeared and wasn’t mad at them. This week in the book of Acts — the book that tells us things the Apostles did after Jesus died — we learn about a woman named Tabitha who had spent her whole life helping others. When she died, many, many people were sad. Peter came and “showed her to be alive.” Tabitha and her good deeds lived on! The first Christian communities followed Tabitha’s example 2,000 years ago and we continue following to this day.

Read and color the story booklet or read the scripture.

A line drawing of the Bible story of Tabitha's resurrection

1. Sing and Dance

Our Psalm this week is Psalm 23.

Learn and sing The Lord is My Shepherd with Kathy Bozzuti-Jones. 



2. Play and Pray

Play a group version of the Mirror Game.

Have everyone face each other, leaving space to move. The goal is for everyone to mirror everyone else. If one person lifts their hand, everyone should lift their hands. If someone bends over, everyone should bend over. If someone laughs, everyone can laugh. You can choose a leader. Or everyone can follow, and everyone can lead! Watch carefully. Try to move all together. 

Read and pray Psalm 23.

3. Create

Think of someone you know presently, someone from history, or someone from the Bible who does or did things to help you or others.

Make a word cloud with words that describe the person and the things they have done that you admire.

If they are alive now, send it to them as a thank you note for being who they are. Or place it where you can see it often to remind you to keep that person alive in your heart and mind.

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