The Welcoming Message of Baptism

May 5, 2022
Baptism of Georgia Brooks Kleinschmidt
Photo by Leo Sorel

The priests and parishioners of Trinity Church Wall Street welcomed four new people into our community on Sunday, May 1. 

Poppy Rohde and Andrew Sidney Thomas Byers received the sacrament of Holy Baptism on Sunday, May 1 at the 9:15am Family Service, thus becoming the first two persons ever baptized in Trinity’s new Parish Hall.

Poppy Rohde Baptism on May 1, 2022

Poppy Rohde was baptized at Trinity's Parish Hall on Sunday, May 1, 2022. Photo: Leo Sorel

Andrew Sidney Thomas Byers Baptism on May 1, 2022

Andrew Sidney Thomas Byers was baptized at Trinity's Parish Hall on Sunday, May 1, 2022. Photo: Leo Sorel

A couple of hours later Georgia Brooks Kleinschmidt and Olivia Louise Parker received the sacrament inside Trinity Church. 

Georgia Brooks Kleinschmidt Baptism May 1, 2022

Georgia Brooks Kleinschmidt was baptized at Trinity Church on Sunday, May 1, 2022. Photo: Leo Sorel

Olivia Louise Parker Baptism May 1, 2022

Olivia Louise Parker was baptized at Trinity Church on Sunday, May 1, 2022. Photo: Leo Sorel

In all four cases, the Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles and the Rev. Elizabeth Blunt teamed up to complete the sacred ritual, pouring the water of baptism over the child and then marking the forehead with holy oil. Then Mother Kristin asked the congregation:

“Will you who witness these vows do all in your power to support these persons in their life in Christ?”

And the congregation answered, “We will,” then recited the Baptismal Covenant.

Baptismal candle of Poppy Rohde

Poppy Rohde reaches for her baptismal candle at the 9:15 Family Service. Photo: Leo Sorel

As is the new custom at Trinity, all persons who are baptized receive a candle hand-painted by a member of the congregation, a candle to be lighted each year on the anniversary of their baptism.