Trinity Churchyard in Spring

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Pico Iyer is an author, journalist, and travel writer.
Faith Education September 11, 2024

Author Pico Iyer on Finding Peace in Our Divided World

In an exclusive interview, the renowned writer Pico Iyer reflects on his quest to hold onto hope in even the most difficult times. Iyer will open the 2024-25 season of Trinity Talks on September 22.
Melissa Music Press Release
Press Releases September 3, 2024

Trinity Church Announces 2024–2025 Music Season

Trinity Church announces its 2024-2025 season, featuring programming encompassing social, political, personal, and spiritual themes, and music from the medieval era to the modern day.
family service
Featured September 3, 2024

A Letter from Father Phil

How our downtown community is making a difference for children and families in District 1 schools.
The Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles
Parish Life July 25, 2024

The Rev. Kristin Miles Reflects on 50 Years of Women’s Ordination

Fifty years ago, on July 29, 1974, eleven women were ordained as Episcopal priests at Philadelphia’s Church of the Advocate. The “Philadelphia Eleven” paved the way for The Episcopal Church’s approval of women’s ordination two years later. The Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles, Trinity Church’s director of Parish Life, reflects on what this anniversary means to her.

All Stories and News

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Melanie Glass (L) speaks to parishioners
FeaturedFebruary 17, 2023

Meet the Ministry: Melanie Glass, Congregational Support Coordinator

In this series, we’re introducing you to some of the faces you may see on Sundays and at services and programs throughout the week, whether they’re at the pulpit or the altar or behind the scenes. In this issue, meet Melanie Glass (she/her), who joined Trinity’s Pastoral Care and Community team as Congregational Support Coordinator in 2022.
Afternoon light spotlights a cross on the top of Trinity Church Wall Street in Lower Manhattan
Faith EducationFaith Formation and EducationFebruary 16, 2023

Five Ways Into Sunday’s Scripture: Who Jesus Really Is

For modern disciples, as we face into the Lenten season, we hold an image of this mountaintop experience, knowing full well that we, like [the first disciples], must come down from the mountain and move out into the world proclaiming Good News to the poor, learning how to welcome God’s Beloved amid change, challenge, disappointment, and sacrifice.
Six panelists of varying ethnic and racial background stand in a row, smiling at the camera. The screen behind them says "Mental Health Symposium: Impact of Food Insecurity on Emotional Well-Being"
FeaturedJessica AthensFebruary 13, 2023

Reframing Our Understanding of Food and Mental Health

On February 2, 2023, Neighborhood Support hosted a half-day symposium to delve deeper into the intersections between food insecurity and mental health. Speakers highlighted the importance of a person-centered approach within service organizations that addresses the whole needs of an individual or household.
A child serves during worship at Trinity Church
Faith EducationFaith Formation & EducationFebruary 11, 2023

3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: Being a Blessing

Being a blessing, or a proactive follower of Jesus, may seem like an obvious thing for us to do. Sounds easy, though sometimes it requires conscious thought or effort, especially in relationships. And we don’t always get it right.
Close-up photograph of a stained-glass window depicting a flower with white, gold, green, red, and burgundy
Faith EducationFaith Formation and EducationFebruary 9, 2023

Five Ways Into Sunday’s Scripture: All About Relationships

When it comes to our sins, Jesus isn’t letting us off the hook. He reminds us that our actions are not all about us but have an impact on our community. This is the antithesis of American individualism.
Children participating in the 9am Holy Eucharist at Trinity Church
Faith EducationFaith Formation & EducationFebruary 4, 2023

3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: Light of the World

The themes for Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount continues into this week and, spoiler alert, into next week, too. That’s how important and inclusive his message was and is. And one thing that makes it so important to this day is that it invites us to be a message that is as big and inclusive as God’s love! Jesus calls us the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
One prayer candle burning among others in Trinity Church
Faith EducationFaith Formation and EducationFebruary 3, 2023

Five Ways Into Sunday’s Scripture: Salt and Light

Words, words, words. We love them! In our history, language has been as revolutionary as fire making, and words have distinguished human from beast since time immemorial. And throughout history, there have been disparities between the words we say and what we do, and between who we say we are and who we reveal ourselves to be through our actions. Across the millennia of human civilization, we have used words to call out these disparities and point out hypocrisies, sometimes as pots to kettles.
Candles in Darkness
Faith EducationJames MelchiorreFebruary 2, 2023

Candlemas: Celebrating Light

A look at the ancient feast of Candlemas which falls on February 2.