Pilgrimage: A Journey to the Places of Paul: Day 6

April 26, 2023
Group of people stand in front of ancient temple

On April 17, pilgrims from Trinity left for Greece and Rome to follow in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul. Follow along to see what they see on their journey. Retrace their steps on Days 2-3Day 4, and Day 5.

Day 6: April 22

The pilgrims go to Athens to see the Acropolis, Mars Hill, House of Parliament, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and the Presidential Palace.

Blue street sign with white Greek letters

Photo: Summerlee Staten

Sign for Dionysus the Areopagite Street in Athens. This is named after the man Dionysus who heard Paul preach in Athens and became a Christian.

A side view of an Ancient Greek structure

Photo: Summerlee Staten

 The Parthenon, a temple to the ancient Greek goddess Athena, on the Acropolis

Four people stand in front of an ancient building

Photo: Summerlee Staten

Sharon, Dr. Michael Battle, and Sian consider the Parthenon.

Three women stand in front of an ancient building

Photo: Summerlee Staten

Pilgrims Regina, Sian, and Kathy in front of the Erichtheion, one of the ancient temples on the Acropolis

Building with columns carved in the shape of women

Photo: Summerlee Staten

The Caryatids supporting the Erichtheion. These supporting sculptures are copies of the originals, which are housed in the Acropolis Museum.

Two women stand in front of an ancient building

Photo: Summerlee Staten

Pilgrims Valdia and Sheri consider the Parthenon at the Acropolis

Group of people stand in front of ancient temple

The Trinity pilgrims gather on the Acropolis in front of the Parthenon.


A view of the columns of an ancient building from the bottom of the steps

Photo: Summerlee Staten

Walking up to the Parthenon

View of ancient buildings on top of a hill far away

Photo: Summerlee Staten

The view of the Acropolis from Mars Hill, where the Book of Acts tells us St. Paul preached the Gospel. This is the view Paul would have seen.


A metal plaque attached to a rock wall

Photo: Summerlee Staten

A stone at Mars Hill in Athens, commemorating the place where the Apostle Paul preached the Gospel to the people of Athens and debated with the Greek philosophers there.

Woman stands in ancient buildings on a distant hill

Photo: Kathy Bozzuti-Jones

Imagine Paul’s confidence: he preaches a message of love, in view of the Acropolis, on the rocky outcrop of the Aereopagus, which commemorated the Greek god of war!


Group of people with ancient building far in the background

Photo: Summerlee Staten

Trinity Pilgrims in Athens. See the Acropolis in the background.

Continue with the pilgrims on Day 7.