Events Search SEARCH View 102550 Adults Clear All Filters 3649 results 5 April Community 12:00 pm Trinity Churchyard Compassion Meals - Lunch 6 April Worship 8:00 am Trinity Church Holy Eucharist A simple celebration of the Holy Eucharist, with a brief sermon and communion. 6 April Worship 9:00 am Trinity Church Holy Eucharist A simple worship service with celebration of the Holy Eucharist, with a brief sermon, organ music, communion, and music by Trinity Choir and the Trinity Youth Chorus. 6 April Community 10:00 am Trinity Commons Write Cards to Incarcerated Mothers Join Trinity’s Prison Ministry to pack personal care bags and write Mother’s Day cards to women experiencing incarceration. 6 April Worship 11:15 am Trinity Church Holy Eucharist This worship service offers a liturgically rich expression of our faith, with sermon, communion, and musical leadership provided by Trinity Choir. 6 April Community, Social Justice 12:45 pm Trinity Churchyard Compassion Meals - Lunch 7 April Community, Social Justice 8:30 am Trinity Commons Compassion Meals - Volunteer Breakfast Distribution 7 April Community 9:00 am Trinity Churchyard Compassion Meals - Breakfast 7 April Community 10:30 am Trinity Commons GED Tutoring At these 90-minute tutoring sessions, adults can get help meeting high school–equivalency learning needs and preparing for the GED Exam. 7 April Community, Social Justice 11:30 am Trinity Commons Compassion Meals - Volunteer Lunch Distribution Pagination First pagefirstPrevious pageprevious Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Current page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20Next pagenextLast pagelast
6 April Worship 8:00 am Trinity Church Holy Eucharist A simple celebration of the Holy Eucharist, with a brief sermon and communion.
6 April Worship 9:00 am Trinity Church Holy Eucharist A simple worship service with celebration of the Holy Eucharist, with a brief sermon, organ music, communion, and music by Trinity Choir and the Trinity Youth Chorus.
6 April Community 10:00 am Trinity Commons Write Cards to Incarcerated Mothers Join Trinity’s Prison Ministry to pack personal care bags and write Mother’s Day cards to women experiencing incarceration.
6 April Worship 11:15 am Trinity Church Holy Eucharist This worship service offers a liturgically rich expression of our faith, with sermon, communion, and musical leadership provided by Trinity Choir.
7 April Community, Social Justice 8:30 am Trinity Commons Compassion Meals - Volunteer Breakfast Distribution
7 April Community 10:30 am Trinity Commons GED Tutoring At these 90-minute tutoring sessions, adults can get help meeting high school–equivalency learning needs and preparing for the GED Exam.
7 April Community, Social Justice 11:30 am Trinity Commons Compassion Meals - Volunteer Lunch Distribution