Trinity Institute (2015–2018)

A photo from Trinity Institute shows a speaker at the front of St. Paul's Chapel and people gathered in tables in front.

Trinity Institute was an annual theological conference, organized and sponsored for almost a half-century by Trinity Church Wall Street. Sessions focused on emerging and inclusive theological perspectives that engaged participants in inquiry, dialogue, and reflection. Below are video highlights from the most recent four conferences.

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Faith EducationJanuary 22, 2016

Trinity Institute: Panel & Q&A

Gary Dorrien (Reinhold Niebuhr Professor of Social Ethics, Union Theological Seminary; Economy, Difference, Empire: Social Ethics for Social Justice)...

Faith EducationJanuary 22, 2016

Three Ways to Change Racism

In a panel discussion at TI2016, “Listen for a Change: Sacred Conversations for Racial Justice,” Eduardo Bonilla-Silva suggested three ways to fight...

Faith EducationJanuary 22, 2016

The Flint Water Crisis Was Predictable

The 2016 Trinity Institute conference, “Listen for a Change: Sacred Conversations for Racial Justice,” featured a panel discussion January 22 in which...

Faith EducationJanuary 22, 2016

Ethics and Presidential Politics

TI2016 “Listen for a Change: Sacred Conversations for Racial Justice” featured a panel discussion January 22 in which Dr. Emilie Townes, Dean of the...

Faith EducationJanuary 21, 2016

Trinity Institute: Bishop Curry Sermon

The 2016 Trinity Institute conference (TI2016), "Listen for a Change: Sacred Conversations for Racial Justice," began Thursday, January 21 with a...

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