Trinity Institute (2015–2018)

A photo from Trinity Institute shows a speaker at the front of St. Paul's Chapel and people gathered in tables in front.

Trinity Institute was an annual theological conference, organized and sponsored for almost a half-century by Trinity Church Wall Street. Sessions focused on emerging and inclusive theological perspectives that engaged participants in inquiry, dialogue, and reflection. Below are video highlights from the most recent four conferences.

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Faith EducationMay 26, 2015

The Death Penalty Nun

Sister Helen Prejean is a Roman Catholic nun who became an activist for abolition of the death penalty after serving a spiritual advisor to a death row inmate. She chronicled her experience in the book Dead Man Walking, later made into a major motion picture, and her advocacy led to an official change in the catechism of the Roman Catholic Church. This video was produced in 2006, when Sister Helen was a speaker at Trinity Institute National Theological Conference.
Faith EducationMarch 18, 2015

Living with Plenitude

Growing economic inequality is a problem recognized by many, some of whom favor tweaking our present economic system, and others who say we must...
Faith EducationJanuary 24, 2015

Trinity Institute: "What Can We Do about Economic Inequality?”

The economic shape of today’s society did not come about not by accident but by engineering. What tools are available to reverse the trend in ways that support equity and human flourishing? Policy, advocacy, art, education…revolution?
Faith EducationJanuary 24, 2015

Panel - Agape Economy

Panel: Rachel Held Evans, Jennifer Jones Austin, Amy Butler

Faith EducationJanuary 24, 2015

Economic Inequality: The Path Forward

The 44th annual Theological Conference of Trinity Institute, Creating Common Good, has ended but the work to build a society of greater economic...

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