Trinity Institute (2015–2018)

A photo from Trinity Institute shows a speaker at the front of St. Paul's Chapel and people gathered in tables in front.

Trinity Institute was an annual theological conference, organized and sponsored for almost a half-century by Trinity Church Wall Street. Sessions focused on emerging and inclusive theological perspectives that engaged participants in inquiry, dialogue, and reflection. Below are video highlights from the most recent four conferences.

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201 results
Faith EducationDecember 27, 2017

Values and the Project of Being Human

Pádraig Ó Tuama is an Irish poet and theologian and leader of The Corrymeela Community in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland, Corrymeela’s objective is the...

Faith EducationDecember 22, 2017

In A Relationship

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry believes that certain values are divinely-inspired, but that enhancing those values requires dedicated...

Faith EducationDecember 7, 2017

Common Ground? Or Common Values?

In our country’s state of polarization, it’s hard to believe Americans can find common ground. Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry reminds...

Faith EducationNovember 27, 2017

TI2018: Why Say Yes?

Pádraig Ó Tuama is an Irish poet, author, and theologian who’s also leader of the Corrymeela Community for peace and reconciliation in Northern...

Faith EducationApril 21, 2017

Water Justice: The View from India

The people of Kerala state in southwest India are dealing with a water shortage, despite being surrounded by lakes and rivers.  Changing climate and...

Faith EducationMarch 31, 2017

Working Together for Water

The Rev. Andreis Diaz Dorta, rector of three small parishes in Matanzas Province, Cuba, and Michael Pollack, and parishioner at Christ Church in...

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