Priests and parishioners catch up after a Sunday service at Trinity Church.

Worship & Congregation

Worship opens us to the wondrous reality of our loving God, gathering and focusing us on what matters. It’s at the heart of everything we do at Trinity Church. Through church services, educational programs for all ages, and the shared life of our congregation, we are inspired to seek a life of deep meaning.

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light shines through stained glass


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A woman lights a tall, thin candle during a community prayer service

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The Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles


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Two council members talk after a service in Trinity Church.

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Sacristan talks with two parishioners in Trinity Church after a service.

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Youth hanging in the youth lounge


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Members of the congregation sit in chairs with WebEx screen and Vicar speaking at Discovery


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All Worship & Congregation Content

3557 results
Holy Eucharist at the Family Service in Parish Hall
Faith EducationFaith Formation & EducationAugust 6, 2022

3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: Valuing Intangible Treasures

Last Sunday, we heard a parable about wasting treasures. In that case, the treasure was lots of extra grain. We also mentioned intangible treasures — things that aren’t objects, things you can’t touch or see or own, things like friendship, memories, talent, beauty, joy, and kindness. What can we do to value those kinds of treasures?
MusicJuly 31, 2022

Compline by Candlelight

Compline by Candlelight provides peace and stillness as one week ends and another begins. Set in the tranquility of St. Paul’s Chapel, one of the...

Children playing behind Trinity Church during Summer Days for children and families
Faith EducationFaith Formation & EducationJuly 30, 2022

3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: Knowing What Is Enough

Knowing what is enough can be the greatest gift that parents, and faith, can teach children and seekers. Our riches, or “treasure,” aren’t only about things that are tangible. And knowing what is enough is not about self-denial or capacity limits, because Jesus taught and showed us that God’s kin-dom on earth as it is in heaven is one of abundance, not of scarcity — and there is enough for all.
WorshipJuly 24, 2022

Compline by Candlelight

Compline by Candlelight provides peace and stillness as one week ends and another begins. Set in the tranquility of St. Paul’s Chapel, one of the...

A child smiles during Children’s Time at Trinity Commons
Faith EducationFaith Formation & EducationJuly 23, 2022

3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: The Lord’s Prayer

Jesus’s disciples already knew how to pray. But after spending time with Jesus, they were thinking about God and God’s kin-dom differently than before. So Jesus taught them the words that we now call The Lord’s Prayer.
MusicJuly 17, 2022

Compline by Candlelight

Compline by Candlelight provides peace and stillness as one week ends and another begins. Set in the tranquility of St. Paul’s Chapel, one of the...

Children's choir singing in Trinity Church
Faith EducationFaith Formation & EducationJuly 14, 2022

3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: Mary and Martha

People think about and learn from the story of Mary and Martha in many different ways, at many different times. That is true of almost all of the Bible. Some people think this Gospel story is about a “right” or “wrong” way to follow Jesus. Like most things, there are different ways and different times for us to follow Jesus. And it’s never the same way for everyone every time.
Photo of a red stoplight and a bright blue, cloud-filled sky
Faith EducationFaith Formation and EducationJuly 13, 2022

A Spiritual Practice to Counter Reactivity

The social witness of our Quaker siblings has always included finding prophetic alternatives to violence and speaking truth to power. For us, who want to do what is right and avoid being reactionary, we must remember to first take the turn inward.

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