Priests and parishioners catch up after a Sunday service at Trinity Church.

Worship & Congregation

Worship opens us to the wondrous reality of our loving God, gathering and focusing us on what matters. It’s at the heart of everything we do at Trinity Church. Through church services, educational programs for all ages, and the shared life of our congregation, we are inspired to seek a life of deep meaning.

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Parish Life

You are welcome. You are wanted. You belong here.
light shines through stained glass


Baptism, weddings, funerals
Parishioners chatting with newcomer


Make a deeper commitment
Three friends knitting


Find your community
A woman lights a tall, thin candle during a community prayer service

Prayer Requests

Let us pray with you
The Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles


Meet our priests
Two council members talk after a service in Trinity Church.

Lay Leadership

Get to know our Vestry and Congregational Council
Sacristan talks with two parishioners in Trinity Church after a service.

Sunday Staff

Meet the people who can answer your questions at church

Faith Education

Take part in programs that help us live our beliefs every day of the week — bringing our Sunday selves into interactions with our families, at work or school, and in our civic endeavors.
Youth hanging in the youth lounge


Bible study, pilgrimage, academics, and arts
Members of the congregation sit in chairs with WebEx screen and Vicar speaking at Discovery


Sunday classes, Bible intensives, book talks, pilgrimage

All Worship & Congregation Content

3713 results
FeaturedJune 18, 2014

Captain Phillips Visits Trinity

The skipper of U.S. container ship who was held hostage by pirates and whose time of captivity was featured in the film “Captain Phillips” says his...

FeaturedNews and BlogsJune 13, 2014

Trinity Wall Street Names Next Rector

Trinity Church Wall Street calls its 18th Rector, the Very Rev. Dr. William Lupfer, who's currently serving as Dean of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland, Oregon
Faith EducationJune 13, 2014

A Greeting from Trinity's 18th Rector

The Very Rev. Dr. William Lupfer, who will become Trinity's 18th rector in February, 2015, greets the Trinity congregation for the first time, via...

Faith EducationJune 2, 2014

Haiti: A New Vision

Trinity Wall Street’s Faith in Action Grants Committee has decided to include the northern region of the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti as one of its...

FeaturedJune 2, 2014

Trinity’s Pre-School: A New Era

Students at the Trinity Pre-School will have new classrooms in a new Lower Manhattan location come September. Architects and construction personnel...

WorshipMay 29, 2014

Ascension Day Sermon: Jon Meacham

Jon Meacham is the author, most recently, of Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power, a No. 1 New York Times bestseller that has been named one of the best...

WorshipApril 19, 2014

A Celebration of the Life of Ralph Lowry

Ralph Lowry was a faithful parishioner at Trinity for many years. The Trinity community will celebrate his life on Holy Saturday, April 19, 2014. The...

WorshipApril 18, 2014

Good Friday Worship: The St. John Passion

A special liturgy of prayers, hymns, meditations and Bach’s St. John Passion, performed in its original liturgical context by The Choir of Trinity...

Faith EducationApril 14, 2014

Ready or Not

The themes of repentance and reflection during the Christian season of Lent are all about getting ready for Holy Week, with the major observances of...

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