Being With
Explore life’s biggest questions — in community.
If you’ve ever marveled at the vastness of a starry night sky or felt your heart beat faster as you hold someone you love, you’ve experienced wonder. Sharing in wonder is what makes us human — and it’s at the heart of how we experience faith.
But it can be difficult to make space for wonder — to set aside time for contemplating life’s biggest questions. We invite you to join us for Being With, a 10-week online small group for New Yorkers seeking to discover the sacred by simply paying attention to our everyday lives.
Each Being With session is centered on a question, what we call a “wondering.” The wonderings invite us to reflect on topics like faith, suffering, and hope. They also serve as prompts, inviting us to share and listen to the stories of each other’s lives. There is no judgment, no wrong answer, and no prescribed path. Our hope is that over the course of these 10 weeks, you will make new friends and become more attentive to yourself, to the people in your small group, and to the possibility of God’s active presence in our world.
Winter–Spring 2025 Being With groups begin in February. There are two time slots available:
Mondays, 6–7:30pm ET
February 3–April 7
Thursdays, 11am–12:30pm ET
February 6–April 10
What happens in a Being With session?
Each 90-minute session begins with a wondering. (For example, I wonder where in your life you find the most meaning?) We’ll listen to a brief teaching and then move on to a group conversation. Participants are encouraged to listen to and openly receive what each person shares. Together, we’ll come to see how our stories are interconnected — and the ways God is present in our lives, drawing us together.
Cohorts are kept to 12 people each. The sessions will be facilitated by professionally trained advisors, including Trinity clergy and community.
Who is this for?
Although Being With is an online course, it is intended for participants living in the New York City metro area.
The course will be particularly beneficial to you if:
You are looking to meet new people and find deeper connections with other New Yorkers
You are new to Christianity, grew up in another faith tradition, or consider yourself spiritual but not religious
You grew up in a Christian family, started experiencing doubt, and want a safe space to re-examine your faith
You have big questions about God, Jesus, and what it means to be a Christian in the modern world
What is expected of participants?
We expect participants to commit to attending all 10 sessions of the course. We hold each of these sessions, and the stories shared within them, as sacred. We want to foster community and create spaces built on trust. This is only possible if participants show up consistently.
Will I have to speak at every session?
Yes, but it's only required during the check-in at the start of each session. Otherwise, speaking is optional.
I’m highly skeptical about faith. Is that okay?
Yes, of course. We are not trying to convert you. This is a time to explore and connect with others.
I’ve been hurt by church before. And I’ve seen some Christians wield their faith like a weapon, using it to harm and marginalize others. How do I know this is a safe space for me?
Church should be the one place everyone feels welcome. But churches have often failed to be safe spaces for all God’s people. At Trinity, we believe in the inherent goodness of every part of God’s creation. We believe God sees you, loves you, and delights in you.
In everything we do, we seek the well-being and flourishing of all people. We hope you’ll join us as we work to show the world how expansive God’s love can be.
When will Being With groups take place?
Winter-Spring 2025 Being With sessions will begin in February. There are two time slots:
- Monday night online, 6–7:30pm ET (February 3–April 7)
- Thursday midday online, 11am–12:30pm ET (February 6–April 10)
When you fill out the interest form, you’ll be prompted to provide times that work best for you.
How was Being With developed?
Trinity is grateful to the Rev. Dr. Sam Wells and the Rev. Sally Hitchiner of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London, who originally developed the Being With course and curriculum with their parish. Learn more.
For more information, contact the Faith Formation & Education team at
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