Comfort at One presents another world premiere from Andy Akiho’s Seven Pillars, commissioned and performed by Sandbox Percussion. Today we premiere “Pillar II,” with a stunning animation created by Deborah Johnson and Maggie Royce. Trinity Church Wall Street is a co-commissioner of the incredible Seven Pillars video performances.
Trinity Church Wall Street announced no-interest loans totaling $6.5 million to respond to the needs of nonprofit organizations in New York City. The Trinity Church Grantee Loan Fund is administered by Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF) and is providing no-interest loans to 12 Trinity grantees that are working in housing, homelessness, and racial justice.
Comfort at One continues our Wednesday series of Choral Meditations, newly recorded by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street. Today's performance features the Sanctus and Benedictus, and Agnus Dei, from Missa de Beata Virgine by Josquin Desprez, conducted by Julian Wachner.
Episcopal Relief & Development is continuing to support partners in the United States and around the world in providing targeted assistance in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Today’s Comfort at One features NOVUS NY percussionist Ian Rosenbaum performing prelude music on marimba for our 11:15am service on June 20, 2021. Ian plays his arrangement of Messiaen’s O Sacrum Convivium alongside Andy Akiho’s Murasaki (Purple) and Daidai Iro (Orange).
Today’s Comfort at One presents Wo soll ich fliehen hin, BWV 5, and Ein ungefärbt Gemüte, BWV 24, featuring soloists Melanie Russell, Melissa Attebury, Owen McIntosh, and Dashon Burton alongside The Choir of Trinity Wall Street and Trinity Baroque Orchestra.