"Think Often on God." A Discovery Series on Contemplative Prayer

September 23, 2021
Members of the congregation sit in chairs with WebEx screen and Vicar speaking at Discovery

Following this past summer’s three-month exploration of the Gospel according to Mark, Discovery at Trinity Church Wall Street resumes Sunday, September 26, with a new series of study, both onsite and online. 

Prayer, Liturgy, & Contemplative Practice:  Finding Our Footing in a Changed World will run for five consecutive Sundays and will include members of the clergy of Trinity parish as teachers and facilitators, along with a special guest.

Trinity’s Vicar, the Rev. Michael Bird, led the first session on September 26, talking about the place of contemplation, for example, The Collect for Purity, within the Eucharistic liturgy. 

The following Sundays will feature other Trinity clergy and staff.

October 3 The Rev. Beth Blunt, Trinity’s Priest and Director for Congregational Life & Liturgy, discusses the Daily Office and its relationship to the rhythms of prayer in our lives.

October 10 An introduction to lectio divina with Dr. Kathy Bozzuti-Jones, Trinity’s Associate Director, Spiritual Practices, Retreats, and Pilgrimage.

October 17 The Rev. Phil Jackson, Trinity’s Priest-in-charge, discusses the lives of Howard Thurman and Thomas Merton, both exemplars on the Spiritual Path.

Dr. Lindsay Boyer of General Theological Seminary will complete the series on October 24 with a session discussing prayer practices to deepen our daily spiritual life.

Dr. Boyer describes herself as a “contemplative teacher with a passion for using simple, inclusive language and online technology to make contemplative prayer accessible to everyone.”

“Contemplative prayer is a way of saying yes to God’s transformative presence,” writes Dr. Boyer in her book Centering Prayer for Everyone. “In contemplative practice, we create inner space in which to hear God’s voice calling us into new ways of being and seeing.”

“This fall season, amidst pandemic anxiety, separation and loss, we turn our hearts and minds to the One who has been with us all along," said Dr. Kathy Bozzuti-Jones.  "Attention to the inner life reveals many ways to encounter God’s Presence on the spiritual path, especially when approached with curiosity and intentionality, reverence and stillness.” 

Discovery is Trinity’s education series for adults interested in how Scripture and theology can inform, shape, and enrich our lives.

Access to Trinity’s Discovery series is available both in-person and online, although the in-person option has limited capacity. If you plan to participate either in-person or online via Zoom please register here: trinitywallstreet.org/discovery.