Trinity's lunchtime concert series, NOVUS at One, takes place every Monday from March 16 through May 4 at St. Paul's Chapel and features our new music orchestra, NOVUS NY, a key player on the contemporary music scene.
Andrew Yee The Light After
Elena Kats-Chernin Colours of the Sea
Olivier Messiaen Louange à l'Éternité de Jésus and Louange à l'Immortalité de Jésus
Mel Bonis Suite en Trio for Flute, Violin and Piano
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber Passacaglia
NOVUS NY: Katie Hyun, violin; Andrew Yee, cello; Daniel Schlosberg, piano; and Melissa Baker, flute
Trinity's lunchtime concert series, Pipes at One, takes place every Tuesday from March 14 through May 2 at St. Paul's Chapel. The series showcases leading organists from around the country, highlighting our celebrated three-manual Noack organ.
Trinity's lunchtime concert series, Jazz at One, takes place every Monday from March 13 through May 1 at St. Paul's Chapel and features an eclectic mix of brilliant jazz artists in collaboration with Jazz House KiDS.
The Bible mirrors our own lives, including the highs and the lows. Explore joy and lamentation in the Bible in this series, with a special session with pilgrims returning from Greece and Rome.
Discovery is Trinity’s education series for adults interested in how Scripture and theology can inform, shape, and enrich our lives.
“When we’re looking out on the world and we don’t see kindness reflected back at us, Jesus tells us to ‘take, bless, break, give’ and then we will we...