Trinity Retreat Center Terms and Conditions

The top of the Retreat Center's stone arch in the early evening

Trinity Retreat Center Terms and Conditions:

These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) form part of the booking agreement (“Agreement”) between Trinity Episcopal Center Association (“TECA”) and the party (“Guest”) booking an individual stay or a group event (“Event”) at Trinity Retreat Center (the “Center”).

1. Room Availability and Fees. Room allocation is based on availability at the time of booking. Additional rooms may become available within 30 days of the Event should another group not fill its block. Upon completion of the Event, Guest shall be financially responsible for payment of the amount due, which shall be the remaining balance due of the Estimated Total Cost set forth in the booking agreement.

2. Reservations . Room details, including the number of attendees (“Attendees”) and the number of double and single rooms desired, are due no fewer than 30 days before the start of the Event. If Guest fails to provide final information by that time, TECA may release the reserved rooms without notification. Once Guest has submitted final room details, reserved but unused rooms will be automatically released.

3. Cancellations and Additions. As early as practicable, Guest will notify TECA of any cancellations by email to Cancellations will be subject to the following terms:

(a) Group Cancellation. Guest will be liable for the following charges upon canceling the Event:
  • more than six (6) months before the scheduled start date – 25% of the Estimated Total Cost;
  • six (6) months to 60 days before the scheduled start – 50% of the Estimated Total Cost;
  • 60 days or less before the scheduled start (including failure to show up to the Event without cancellation) - 100% of the Estimated Total Cost.

(b) Individual Cancellation/No-Show. In the event of a cancellation made more than thirty (30) days prior to the Event, TECA will credit Guest the cost of the room, less a $50 cancellation fee. For a cancellation made within thirty (30) days of the Event, or if an Attendee simply does not show up to the Event, Guest will be liable for the full cost of the room.

(c) Attendee Late Addition. The Center’s expenses increase with the late addition of Attendees prior to the Event. Therefore, if Guest adds Attendees within 10 days of the start of the Event, Guest will be required to pay the fee for the additional Attendee plus [10%]. TECA may deduct these amounts from Guest’s credit or debit card on file.

4. Use of the Center; Restrictions; Damages Policy

(a) Guest and Attendees shall at all times:

(i) follow promptly and courteously the Center staff’s directions regarding access, supplies, obstruction, and placement of equipment;
(ii) safeguard and keep free from damage the premises, including the walls, flooring, ceiling and grounds, and all other items in and around the premises;
(iii) safeguard and keep free from damage any religious artifacts, exhibits, items or objects on display;
(iv) observe any site procedures relating to use of the premises as required by the staff; and
(v) refrain from smoking in any area of the Center.

(b) Guest and Attendees may not bring the following to the Center:

(i) alcohol and/or alcoholic beverages;
(ii) pets (except for guide dogs and certified emotional support animals);
(iii) pillows, bed sheets, duvets or other items of bedding;
(iv) appliances or other equipment for heating or cooking purposes; or
(v) boats or floatation devices, such as canoes, kayaks, or rafts.

TECA reserves the right to remove and/or confiscate any of the above items found on the premises without notice and to charge Guest for any costs incurred by taking such action or for any loss or damage caused to the premises or to any other Guest, Attendee or other third party as a result of an Attendee’s failure to comply with this policy.

(c) TECA reserves the rights to require Attendees to leave the Center and to remove their belongings from the Center, without reimbursement, if TECA, in its sole discretion, determines that Attendee has used the Center in an irresponsible manner or in a manner that may compromise the safety of, or cause damage or harm to, the Center, any Attendees or any other person.

(d) Guest is liable for any damage, however caused, to the Center or injury to any person caused by Guest’s Attendee(s). TECA reserves the right to retain Guest’s credit or debit card details and charge or debit such amounts as it shall in its sole discretion deem required to compensate for the loss, damage, costs or expenses incurred or suffered by TECA as a result of said damages or injury.

(e) Guest shall remove all of its equipment from the premises at the conclusion of the stay or Event, and will leave the premises in as good condition as when received. Without limiting the foregoing, Guest agrees to return and restore any property moved by Guest or its Attendees to its original place and condition, or repair it, if necessary, at Guest’s sole expense.

(f) TECA does not represent or warrant that the Center is suitable for the Event. Guest shall make its own investigations and satisfy itself that it can undertake the Event at the Center without causing any danger or harm to the premises or any person.

5. Representations; Warranties. Guest represents and warrants that: (a) it requires no further consent or permission to enter into the Agreement; and (b) the Agreement has been executed by a duly authorized signatory on Guest’s behalf.

6. Media Release. Guest and all Attendees consent to be included in any filming, photographing, audio recording, or broadcast and for any other use in whole or in part, including publicity and promotion by TECA or its parent company The Rector, Church-Wardens, and Vestrymen of Trinity Church, in the city of New York (“Trinity”). If a Guest or Attendee prefers to avoid being filmed, please inform Center staff and we will do our best to respect your wishes.

7. Guest Waiver and Indemnity. Guest hereby waives any claim that Guest may have against TECA, Trinity and both of their officers, directors, employees and agents for any injury or damage that Guest may sustain in connection with the Guest’s and Attendees’ use of the Center. Guest hereby indemnifies, defends and holds harmless TECA, Trinity and both of their officers, directors, employees and agents and each of their respective predecessors, successors, heirs, administrators, executors and assigns from and against any and all losses, damages, costs, liability or expenses (including attorneys’ fees and settlement costs) arising from or relating to (a) Guest’s and Attendees’ use of the Center (including any personal injury or death to any person resulting from an act or omission by Guest, any Attendee, or any of Guest’s agents or employees); or (b) Guest’s breach of the Agreement.

8. Written Amendments. No amendment or modification of any provision of the Agreement shall be effective unless in writing. Email communications agreed by the parties are deemed effective to amend the Agreement.

9. Choice of Law; Venue. The Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Connecticut, without reference to its conflicts of law provisions. Any dispute regarding the Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts situated in the State of Connecticut, and the parties hereby irrevocably submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction and venue of such courts.

10. Assignment. Neither party may assign the Agreement or any rights herein with the prior written consent of the other. The Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties, their successors and permitted assigns.

11. Construction . Section headings are for convenience only and do not alter, and will not be used to interpret, the meaning of the Agreement. The word “including” in the Agreement will be understood to mean “including, without limitation.”