Code of Conduct

We look forward to welcoming you to Trinity Retreat Center, where our ministry team and staff work to create a place apart for rest, quiet, prayer, discovery, connection, and reflection. During your time with us, we celebrate the restorative nature of God’s presence in nature and in community for spiritual renewal, stewardship of creation, and support for the ongoing work of love, service, and justice. To ensure all participants in the Trinity Retreat Center community have the best possible experience and the opportunity to be a part of our mission of healing, learning, and loving, we ask that all follow our Code of Conduct.
Our Code of Conduct is mindful that we travel different paths to come together at the retreat center. That diversity is a source of strength as we observe our daily rhythm of prayer and life in West Cornwall. We also know that diversity, as well as the stresses of the world from which guests are taking rest, can lead to communication issues and conflict.
These ground rules exist to ensure the Trinity Retreat Center community continues to thrive as a nurturing, comfortable, and welcoming place in which to gather, learn, collaborate, and discern. They apply to behavior as members of the community, in any forum or group (including internet/social media), mailing lists, public or private groups, private correspondence, public meetings, and public/private events.
We expect this code to be followed.
- Be mindful. The words we use and the actions we take affect others. We work to make many one. Please be considerate and compassionate, as you would expect others to be considerate and compassionate with you. Be mindful of the house rules, including gathering for meals on time and avoiding disruptiveness during times of daily prayer and periods of silence. Please follow timelines for submitting information about your retreats in order for us to give our team time to ask questions and prepare for your arrival.
- Be patient. Our community, its programs and its prayer life are supported not only by those who visit on retreat but by the many hands of a staff that works to keep our mission thriving. Often, this work is done behind the scenes and can be challenging at a time when labor shortages have left many of our critical hospitality positions vacant. Be patient and consider the gifts and dedication of the staff in your interactions and expectations. It is important that we operate as a mission and not as a hotel.
- Be respectful. There will be disagreements. Some expectations won’t be met. But disagreements with each other and with staff are no excuse for poor behavior such as an angry outburst and entitlement. We are all children of God and should expect to be treated with dignity during our time in community. Please be respectful when communicating with each other and staff. This is especially important when communicating our disagreements or opposing views.
- Be aware of terms and conditions. All individuals and organizers of group retreats are asked to follow the guidelines for planning and co-coordinating your time in community with us. Room details are due no fewer than 10 days before the start of the event. These may include the number of attendees and the double and single rooms desired, based on availability. In the event of failure to provide final information by that time, Trinity Retreat Center may release the reserved rooms without notification. Once Guest has submitted final room details, reserved but unused rooms will be automatically released.
- Be kind. All are welcome. Let us repeat: All are welcome, regardless of their background or belief system. No offensive comments related to gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, spiritual path, religion; no sexual images in public spaces, no real or implied violence, intimidation, oppression, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or events, inappropriate physical contact, or unwelcome sexual attention will be tolerated. Loud gatherings and inappropriate behavior should not take place during prayer.
- Communicate constructively. We don't all speak the same language. We come from different backgrounds. We bring different educations into the community. Words matter. Many words mean different things to different people. By communicating respectfully and effectively, remaining present and open to our unity and diversity, we are better able to avoid misunderstandings. Rather than jumping to assumptions, ask for clarification. Open yourself up to listening more than talking.
- Accept the rules. Trinity Retreat Center has established its community rules in prayer, work, experience, and collaboration to effectively stay true to our mission and to protect our guests and staff. You may not agree with our established decisions or policies, but they must be respected and accepted.
- Ask for help. We work to make room for grace. Asking questions early avoids many problems later, so questions are encouraged, though they may be redirected to the appropriate people.
In addition to our Code of Conduct, Trinity Retreat Center’s land use and events/activities are governed by the policies below. All guests, event attendees, speakers, sponsors, staff, and volunteers, including event organizing teams, are required to follow this policy.
Trinity Retreat Center directors and managers as well as event organizers have an obligation to enforce these rules. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe and healing environment for all.
Trinity Retreat Center and its staff reserve the right to issue warnings or require attendees to leave the center and to remove their belongings from the center, without reimbursement, if it, in its sole discretion, determines that attendees have violated this Code of Conduct or other rule or policy. Any guest or group violating the policy may also lose the privilege of being a guest or hosting events in the future.
Trinity Retreat Center, its farm and forest lands, its chapels and buildings, and the river are considered sacred space and must be cared for as such.
- Leave the grounds and buildings in the good condition you find them in and report any damage that may occur while you are on the property.
- There is a no drug use at any time. Smoking is allowed only in a designated area removed from the buildings and gathering spaces. Alcohol consumption is limited to designated areas and times during public events. Pre-authorization for serving alcohol can be requested by email at
- Harassment and abusive language directed at other guests or staff is not tolerated. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, offensive verbal comments related to gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, spiritual beliefs, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. Guests and staff asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
- Respect for the property is crucial to our life together in the space. Guests and attendees are required to:
- follow promptly and courteously the staff’s directions regarding access, supplies, obstruction, and placement of equipment;
- safeguard and keep free from damage the premises, including the walls, flooring, ceiling and grounds, and all other items in and around the premises;
- safeguard and keep free from damage any religious artifacts, exhibits, items or objects on display
- Attendees cannot bring the following to the center without permission:
- pets (except for guide dogs and certified emotional support animals)
- pillows, bed sheets, duvets or other bedding
- appliances or other equipment for heating or cooking purposes
- boats or floatation devices, such as canoes, kayaks or rafts.
Attendees are liable for any damage, however caused, to Trinity Retreat Center or injury to any person caused by violation of the Code of Conduct or this policy. The center reserves the right to retain attendee credit or debit card details and charge or debit such amounts to pay for loss, damage, costs or expenses.
If You Need Help
Instances of abusive, harassing or unsafe behavior may be reported by notifying your event host/coordinator or by emailing Peace be with you.