Trinity Churchyard in Spring

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Pico Iyer is an author, journalist, and travel writer.
Faith Education September 11, 2024

Author Pico Iyer on Finding Peace in Our Divided World

In an exclusive interview, the renowned writer Pico Iyer reflects on his quest to hold onto hope in even the most difficult times. Iyer will open the 2024-25 season of Trinity Talks on September 22.
Melissa Music Press Release
Press Releases September 3, 2024

Trinity Church Announces 2024–2025 Music Season

Trinity Church announces its 2024-2025 season, featuring programming encompassing social, political, personal, and spiritual themes, and music from the medieval era to the modern day.
family service
Featured September 3, 2024

A Letter from Father Phil

How our downtown community is making a difference for children and families in District 1 schools.
The Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles
Parish Life July 25, 2024

The Rev. Kristin Miles Reflects on 50 Years of Women’s Ordination

Fifty years ago, on July 29, 1974, eleven women were ordained as Episcopal priests at Philadelphia’s Church of the Advocate. The “Philadelphia Eleven” paved the way for The Episcopal Church’s approval of women’s ordination two years later. The Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles, Trinity Church’s director of Parish Life, reflects on what this anniversary means to her.

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An illustration with a grapevine, leaves, and grapes, with painted textures in blue, green, yellow, and brown
Faith EducationThe Faith Formation TeamApril 26, 2024

Growing With God Can Be Uncomfortable

It’s often through discomfort God frees us from the things that keep us from spiritual growth. “We can rely on God to shape, form, and renew us each day,” writes Trinity’s Faith Formation team, “as we transform more and more into the people God created us to be.”
A colorful illustration with bright brushstrokes and line drawings depicting faces, a heart, and a shepherd carrying a sheep on their back
Faith EducationThe Faith Formation TeamApril 19, 2024

The Holy Impulse to Love

There’s a fearlessness that comes from being in relationship with God, suggests Trinity’s Faith Formation team. “And it’s in this mysterious, mutual knowing we find not only ourselves, but the freedom to love others as God loves us.”
Compassion Market
FeaturedApril 18, 2024

It's National Volunteer Week! Here's How You Can Get Involved

National Volunteer Week recognizes the impact of volunteer service and the power of volunteers to tackle society’s greatest challenges, build stronger communities, and be a force that transforms the world. We at Trinity believe volunteering is one of the best ways to put our faith in action.
A person bends before and places their hand on a wooden cross in Trinity Church
Faith EducationThe Faith Formation TeamApril 12, 2024

The Power of Indestructible Hope

Christian hope is not an invitation to ignore reality, turn away from suffering, and passively wait for things to get better. Instead, deep trust in God’s goodness gives us the courage to create a better world today — a world in which fear does not have the last say.
Trinity Leadership Fellows 2023 Cohort
CommunityApril 10, 2024

Announcing the 2024 Trinity Leadership Fellows Cohort

Trinity Church Wall Street is thrilled to announce the next cohort of the Trinity Leadership Fellows program. These 24 professional and faith leaders were selected from more than 1,700 applicants, spanning various faith traditions and vocations.
Father Phil Jackson and Archbishop Justin Welby meet with army chaplains during their visit to Ukraine.
FeaturedThe Rev. Phillip A. JacksonApril 10, 2024

Father Phil: Supporting Ukraine Is a Moral Imperative

The Rev. Phil Jackson, Trinity‘s Rector, urges House lawmakers — Democrats and Republicans — to provide aid to Ukraine: “We have a moral duty to pick up the mantle of leadership and a moral responsibility to assist the people of Ukraine in their desperate struggle against Vladimir Putin’s Russia.“
A colorful collage illustration of Thomas the disciple touching Jesus's wound
Faith EducationThe Faith Formation TeamApril 5, 2024

Doubting God Is Not at Odds With Faith — It’s Part of It

When the disciple Thomas can’t believe news of the resurrection, Jesus doesn’t condemn his doubts but “tenderly shows up for Thomas in the way Thomas needs,” writes Trinity’s Faith Formation team. God doesn’t condemn our doubts either — and instead shows up for us, and meets our needs, through the love we have for one another.
Colorful, stained-glass—filtered light shines on the stone floor of Trinity Church
Faith EducationThe Faith Formation TeamMarch 29, 2024

Can We See God? Mary Magdalene Shows Us How

When Mary Magdalene encounters the risen Jesus in the garden that first Easter morning, she recognizes him because he calls her by name. May we open our hearts to experience God in our own lives this Easter — and remember we are loved, called, and forgiven.
An illustration of a broken yellow crown over a textured blue background featuring hearts
Faith EducationThe Faith Formation TeamMarch 22, 2024

Scripture Reflection: How Love Defies Expectation

What kind of king do we expect to see in Jesus? It’s a good question for Holy Week, suggests Trinity’s Faith Formation team, a time when our expectations are upended and salvation looks different than we’d imagined.