A New Website for Trinity Church Wall Street

March 18, 2021
View of the steeple of Trinity Church

March 25 Update: This article has been updated to include directions for accessing service bulletins. Click here to jump to the new information.

After a nearly two-year process, we’re delighted to debut our new website today, Thursday, March 18. Built on Drupal 8 with our web development partners at Forum One and a core team at Trinity (Paul Brower, Lisa Jaycox, Kate Newsom, Andrew O’Brien, Patti Walsh, and Rob Sokol), this new site was designed with our congregation and website visitors in mind. It is faster, easier to find what you’re looking for, and organized for search engine optimization. The rich, bold colors and bright photography center on community members who make Trinity Church Wall Street such a unique and vibrant spiritual home, and the functionality is based on a new tagging system, which means anytime new content is published, it will show up automatically across the site.

A screenshot of the new Trinity website with the left navigation menu open.

When you first visit our new site, you might notice, beyond the new look, that our navigation has changed. Instead of a dropdown submenu, we now have a red, left-side navigation that opens up anytime you visit a new page. As you scroll it will disappear but you can always get back to it from the red “hamburger” icon in the upper left corner of the page. (Mmm, burgers.)

A screenshot of the new search page with filtering options.

In the upper right corner of the page you will also find a search bar. Try it out! Our insite search has been significantly enhanced and improved to get you where you’re going quickly and effortlessly. You can filter the results if you like and find pages, articles, videos, events, podcasts, and resources, which are our main “content types.”

A screenshot of the live now button in the upper right of the screen.

Trinity offers daily worship services and has a rich archive of videos. (And, we know you like our videos because 25% of all of our website traffic is for videos!) If you regularly tune into our services, you may be used to clicking a bar below the navigation. We have changed the design a little bit, and there is now a button in the upper right corner of the homepage that says “Live Now.” Tune in anytime we’re broadcasting with a click of that button or peruse past services, music concerts, book talks, and more in our video portal.

Where to find worship bulletins, a screenshot with blue text and a red button

We know many of you like to open a separate window to view service bulletins while tuning into our worship services. While service bulletins are no longer listed on their own page, bulletins are included on every worship event detail page and worship video detail page. So when you're watching a service on our site, just click the big red button or blue text link to open the PDF bulletin in a new browser tab. This helps ensure you quickly can get the right bulletin for the service you're watching.

There are two new sections of our website: Visit and Communities. In Visit, we have built out a visitor experience, virtual for now while we remain closed due to the pandemic, but eventually this section will offer resources for tourists and tour guides, one-time visitors and our eat-lunch-in-the-churchyard crowds. In this section you can learn more about our campus and historic buildings, where George Washington prayed after his inauguration and where Alexander and Eliza Hamilton are buried. You can also explore our community center, Trinity Commons, and the tranquil setting of the Trinity Retreat Center.

Friends knitting together

In Communities, you can follow your interests and explore online classes and workshops designed for various topic areas. Maybe you like knitting or are looking for a youth group. Maybe you would like to take an online yoga class or hear from illustrious speakers such as choreographer Judith Jamison or Black Girls Code’s Kimberly Bryant. Learn about what we offer and consider joining a group or an upcoming talk here.

Susan Shah, wearing a Just Reentry mask at our Rikers Island Vigil

As both an active parish and historic landmark in one of the most dynamic communities in the world, Trinity has something for everyone. Our new website is a hub for our active and growing parish and the broader lower Manhattan community. It showcases our leadership on social justice issues, such as racial justice and housing and homelessness, and highlights ways you can get involved in ongoing campaigns, such as Faith Communities for Just Reentry. In the coming weeks and months we will continue to roll out enhancements to the site to make your experience even better. We hope you enjoy this new online home for our parish and offerings, and we hope to see you again in person very soon too.