Racial Justice

Close Rikers rally in front of the steps of City Hall with Just Leadership USA.

Support Healthy Minds and Safe Communities

As a church, we are tasked with caring for the whole person—body, mind, and soul—and that means we must recognize and care for those who are ill. Faith communities can offer compassion, sanctuary, and community for those afflicted with mental illness.

As a church, we operate under the belief that every person is created in the image and likeness of God and has dignity, value, and worth, regardless of race, gender, class, or other human characteristics. 

Our collective safety rests on our ability to support vulnerable and marginalized members of our communities instead of punishment and incarceration.

New York City has led the nation in decarceration efforts, but far too many people remain behind bars, with a disproportionate number of people of color impacted.  Trinity’s Racial Justice Initiative will support efforts that fall within three areas of focus, as described below.

Activities we support under the Lead strategy have the following goals:

Invest in the well-being and healthy minds of young people

by supporting community-driven mental health and learning support for young people, including those in schools.

Promote an affirmative vision for justice

by engaging local faith leaders in media work to offer a healing, restorative safety/justice vision.

Secure public investment

to scale promising, non-punitive, approaches to end the cycle of trauma and violence.

Activities we support under the Prevent strategy have the following goals:

Safely reduce the jail population in New York City

by support efforts to end cash bail and youth incarceration and hold implementing agencies accountable for racially equitable outcomes.

Build and sustain positive school climates

to ensure all students have access to social, emotional, and restorative approaches.

Protect immigrants from criminalization

to ensure that immigrant New Yorkers have meaningful access to due process and are protected from unnecessary detention and deportation.

Activities we support under the Liberate strategy have the following goals:

Expand housing options and mental health services

for justice-involved New Yorkers.

End the continuous punishment of poor people with criminal records

as it relates to housing, employment, and education.

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