
Liturgy of Good Friday

Add to Calendar 2021-04-02 12:05 PM 2021-04-02 1:30 PM America/New_York Liturgy of Good Friday

The Liturgy of Good Friday, including the Solemn Collects, devotional hymns, Veneration of the Cross, the Passion Gospel according to John chanted by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street, and choral anthems of Casals and Gesualdo. No Holy Communion will be administered. Veneration of the Cross continues until 3pm with the 33 tolls of the Trinity bells.

Streamed live and available for on-demand viewing following the live service. If you miss the live stream, check back later; the on-demand video will be posted shortly. You may also view this service on Facebook.

View a schedule of all Holy Week services.

Follow along in the Bulletin:

Good Friday Service Bulletin, April 2, 2021

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The Liturgy of Good Friday, including the Solemn Collects, devotional hymns, Veneration of the Cross, the Passion Gospel according to John chanted by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street, and choral anthems of Casals and Gesualdo. No Holy Communion will be administered. Veneration of the Cross continues until 3pm with the 33 tolls of the Trinity bells.

Streamed live and available for on-demand viewing following the live service. If you miss the live stream, check back later; the on-demand video will be posted shortly. You may also view this service on Facebook.

View a schedule of all Holy Week services.

Follow along in the Bulletin:

Good Friday Service Bulletin, April 2, 2021
