Holy Week: Walk with Us from Palm Sunday to Easter Day

March 29, 2021
Holy Week Illustration of  three crosses on a mountaintop

Upcoming Holy Week Events

Walk with us from Palm Sunday to Easter Day, with a variety of online Holy Week services.

Unless otherwise noted, regular Sunday and weekday services, including morning prayer and evening prayer, are scheduled during this time. Also, unless otherwise noted, all services can be joined from our homepage at the time of the service. 

Palm Sunday, March 28

Sunday Education Hour 

10am | Online Participants in Children’s Time, Discovery, Youth Group, and anyone who wishes are invited to enter in to Holy Week at Home observances, practices, and activities. We’ll share the palm story with a video from Trinity Retreat Center’s Joe Rose and their donkey residents. And we’ll have breakout options with Holy Week practices and activities for all ages. Please register here for the Zoom link. Contact Kathryn Carroll for more information.

Children’s Time will be on hiatus on April 4, resuming on April 11. 

Discovery will be on hiatus on March 28 and April 4, resuming on April 11.

Palm Sunday Holy Eucharist

11:15am-12:30pm | Online The Liturgy of Palm Sunday with the Blessing of the Palms, the Passion Gospel according to Mark improvised by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street, Holy Communion, hymns, and choral anthems by Ireland, Weelkes, and Byrd. Click here for the event page, video, and service bulletin.

Holy Wednesday, March 31


6-7:30pm | Online The Office of Tenebrae, including scripture readings and chanted responses, and featuring choral anthems of Tallis, Poulenc, Purcell, Lotti, Bairstow, Weston, Burleigh, Bruckner, Allegri, and Chilcott sung by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street. During the service, candles are gradually extinguished. Click here for the event page, video, and service bulletin. 

Agape Meal

7:30pm | Online Following the Tenebrae service, gather around the virtual table for lessons, prayers, and meditations in the dim evening light. You’re welcome to bring your own meal as we practice thanksgiving and communion in the love of Christ. RSVP to join at trinitywallstreet.org/agape.

Maundy Thursday, April 1

There will be no 12:05pm service on Maundy Thursday.

Triduum Retreat and Reflection at Trinity Retreat Center

10-11am | Facebook Live Join us for a time of retreat and prayerful reflection on the readings and themes of these Holy Days as we reflect on Christ’s passion and suffering, and point to the resurrected life of Jesus Christ. Join us Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday at 10am on the retreat center's Facebook page: facebook.com/trinityretreatcenter.

Maundy Thursday​ Holy Eucharist

6pm-7:15pm | Online Maundy Thursday Holy Eucharist, with choral anthems of Friedell and Duruflé sung by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street. The service concludes with the Stripping of the Altar and Reservation of the Sacrament. Click here for the event page, video, and service bulletin.

All-Night Vigil Before the Blessed Sacrament​

8pm Thursday-6:30am Friday | Online An overnight silent vigil of prayer and meditation before the Blessed Sacrament, ending at dawn on Good Friday. Click here for the event page and video.

Good Friday, April 2

There will be no evening prayer at 5:15pm.

Triduum Retreat and Reflection at Trinity Retreat Center

10-11am | Facebook Live Join us for a time of retreat and prayerful reflection on the readings and themes of these Holy Days as we reflect on Christ’s passion and suffering, and point to the resurrected life of Jesus Christ. Join us Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday at 10am on the retreat center's Facebook page: facebook.com/trinityretreatcenter.

Liturgy of Good Friday​

12:05-1:30pm | Online The Liturgy of Good Friday, including the Solemn Collects, devotional hymns, Veneration of the Cross, and the Passion Gospel according to John chanted by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street. No Holy Communion will be administered. Veneration of the Cross continues until 3pm with the 33 tolls of the Trinity bells. Click here for the event page, video, and service bulletin.

Holy Saturday, April 3

Triduum Retreat and Reflection at Trinity Retreat Center

10-11am | Facebook Live Join us for a time of retreat and prayerful reflection on the readings and themes of these Holy Days as we reflect on Christ’s passion and suffering, and point to the resurrected life of Jesus Christ. Join us Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday at 10am on the retreat center's Facebook page: facebook.com/trinityretreatcenter.

The Great Vigil of Easter​

8-10pm | Online This symbol-rich liturgy features candlelit readings, psalms and canticles, renewal of baptismal vows, the First Eucharist of Easter, and festive choral anthems of Bairstow and Wood sung by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street. Click here for the event page and video.

Easter Day, Sunday, April 4

Easter Family Service​

9:15-9:45am | Online On Easter Day you are invited to a joyful, warm, welcoming, and engaging 30-minute Episcopal church service designed specifically for children of all ages. The service includes scripture, a short sermon, and music both traditional and new. Together we will express and encounter the deep truths of our faith in language and action accessible to everyone. Click here for the event page and video.

Easter Festive Eucharist​

11:15am-12:30pm | Online A festive celebration of the Eucharist with hymns and music by Stanford, Thompson, and Telemann, led by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street. Click here for the event page and video.

Sister in the House

4-5pm | Online Sister Ann, SSM, will be on hand to listen, or talk, or just sit. Register here.