The miracles of giving sight to the man born blind and raising Lazarus from the dead are both demonstrations of Jesus’s power, but are not actually stories about power preaches Father Phil.
With young children, rather than dwelling on physical suffering, death, belief, and miracles in a general way, the story of Mary, Martha, and Jesus, and their shared love for Lazarus, allows us to talk about love and loss, and “unbinding” all the things that keep us from loving as deeply and openly as these four friends.
Trinity's lunchtime concert series, NOVUS at One, takes place every Monday from March 16 through May 4 at St. Paul's Chapel and features our new music orchestra, NOVUS NY, a key player on the contemporary music scene.
Tania Leon Mestizo
Paola Prestini Last Hymn
David Crowell Celestial Sphere
Christopher Cerrone Double Happiness
Kevin Puts And legions will rise
NOVUS NY, featuring Ian Rosenbaum, percussion; Kristin Lee, violin; Yoonah Kim, clarinet; and Conor Hannick, piano
As Christians, we affirm that death has no sting — for God is a God of life eternal. We can trust that all things, even time itself, are in God’s hands. Such an affirmation should fill us with hope in whatever valley we are facing. When we are asked in this coming Easter season, “Can these bones live?” we can answer with a resounding “Yes!”
Over 11 sessions, Into the Word explores your questions about the Bible, and gives us time to think together about what Scripture has to do with our beliefs, our traditions, and our personal lives.
Every Sunday, Trinity’s Children & Families team provides care and peer-grouped Children’s Time classes for up to 45 children, from infants and toddlers to preschoolers through 5th Graders. Working both in the nursery and classrooms and behind the scenes is Wayne Edwards (he/him), who has been assisting the Children & Families team since 2018 and joined as a full-time Program Associate in June 2020.
Since 2020, Trinity Church Wall Street has funded a cohort of organizations working to support women transitioning from Rikers Island. This cohort was developed to prioritize the historically unmet needs of justice-involved women in response to the New York City Council’s vote to close Rikers Island in late 2019.