Meet the Ministry: Wayne Edwards, Program Associate, Children & Families

March 21, 2023
Wayne Edwards works with children at the Blessing of the Animals, 2022

Our community at Trinity includes our vibrant parish of more than 1,600 members — and more than 200 employees working to support our worship services, programming, and ministry around New York City and the world.

In this series, we’re introducing you to some of the faces you may see on Sundays and at services and programs throughout the week, whether they’re at the pulpit or the altar or behind the scenes. You’ll get to know what their day to day looks like, what brought them to Trinity, and how to get in touch — and get involved — with the work they’re doing inside and outside of the church.

Every Sunday, Trinity’s Children & Families team provides care and peer-grouped Children’s Time classes for up to 45 children, from infants and toddlers to preschoolers through 5th Graders — in addition to running special events and activities throughout the year, including the Children’s Summer Program.

Working both in the nursery and classrooms and behind the scenes is Wayne Edwards (he/him), who has been assisting the Children & Families team since 2018 and joined as a full-time Program Associate in June 2020.

Wayne Edwards

Hi, Wayne! Tell us a little about your role.

I’m a program associate with the Children and Families team under the Faith Formation and Education department. In my role, I am tasked with assisting in the operating, maintaining, and promoting of the Children’s Time programs on Sunday as well as other events that are targeted to children and families. In my day-to-day work, I can be found finalizing contracts for various speakers and vendors or helping with the supervision of children in afterschool and summer programs and other Trinity-hosted events. Then some days I can be found swaddling two babies at once in the Trinity nursery.

Tell us about your path to Trinity. What drew you to working within a spiritual community? 

Being born and raised in the Episcopal denomination, my life was always intertwined heavily with the scripture and Christian faith. I started my religious career very unknowingly in my home church, St. Edmunds Episcopal-Anglican Church, where, by at age 13, I was the founder and president of our youth group and launched the acolyte program, which continued into my journey to college. While in school, I worked as their webmaster and office assistant/liaison for multiple years, even after graduating, and I currently volunteer as their webmaster. I have always heard my calling to the altar, so I’m blessed enough to have always found opportunities in the church.

What's one thing congregational members should know about your role? 

My role is to support the Children and Families programs and the other fellowship and learning events that we produce for and with our parishioners. But my main goal is to be the friendly and supportive face for all participants that come to Trinity Church Wall Street. I want everyone to feel welcomed and comfortable enough to join in all spaces and programs that Trinity offers, so I try to be as knowledgeable as possible to help with navigating and keeping our guests informed.

Wayne Edwards working with children at the Labor Day Family Retreat 2022

How can members of the congregation get in touch with you?

My email is Every Sunday morning, you can also find me on the Trinity Commons mezzanine level or at the 9am service at Trinity Church.

Tell us something we should read, watch, eat, listen to, or do.

The last book that I read from cover to cover is Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, right before I graduated from college. The book helped in the growth of my cousin and me; we really bonded over the discussion of the book and the situations and implications of the main character’s life.

What’s your favorite quote, lyric, verse, poem, etc.? Share some words to live by.

Proverbs 16:9, KJV: “A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.”

Chance the Rapper also released an album back into 2013, “The Coloring Book,” which relied heavily on Christian Bible references and was an outward dedication to his God and faith. From the song “Blessings”: “I don’t make songs for free, I make ‘em for freedom. Don’t believe in kings, believe in the Kingdom.”

What is saving your life right now?

Reruns of some of my favorite animated TV shows growing up. Proud Family, American Dragon, Jackie Chan Adventures, and the occasional Pokémon, just for some nostalgic depth.

Wayne Edwards with colleagues on the Children & Families team

Wayne Edwards with colleagues on the Children & Families team