Pachelbel’s Canon in D major is presented in its original instrumentation, with three violins, along with pieces by Giovanni Gabrieli and Three Parts Upon a Ground by Henry Purcell.
Confirmation prepares youth to make a mature articulation of faith and receive the laying on of hands from the Bishop as they commit themselves to the Christian life. Trinity Youth in 8th grade and above are invited to join this year's confirmation class.
Come learn the basics of volunteering at church in a workshop with clergy and staff. Hear about different volunteer roles and deepen your knowledge of our liturgical practices.
Are you an experienced knitter, new to the craft, or somewhere in between? Trinity Knitters welcomes you to gather and knit or crochet together, discuss projects, share advice, and enjoy each other’s company.
Pickleball is a family-friendly game that combines elements of tennis and ping pong. Learn rules and techniques from a certified instructor, practice on your own, or participate in a match.