Youth Confirmation

Register for 2024–2025 Youth Confirmation!
This course prepares Trinity Youth to make a mature articulation of faith and receive the laying on of hands from the Bishop as they commit themselves to the Christian Life. Trinity Youth in 8th Grade or above who would like to be confirmed will be required to participate actively in the Trinity Youth community, by attending Bible & Bagels and/or Youth Group, the Fall and Spring Youth Retreats, 6 weeks of Confirmation classes, and by participating in Holy Week. The service of Confirmation will take place on Sunday, June 8, 2025.

Bible & Bagels
Sundays, 10–11am, Trinity Commons
Why do bad things happen to good people? What does the bible say about climate change? Or racism? Or homophobia? What does God want for me? Trinity Youth can bring all these questions and more as we spend time each Sunday exploring the Bible, Christianity, and the Episcopal Church. Participation in Bible & Bagels is required for youth preparing for Confirmation.

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